mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail

Lukas Stadler lukas.stadler at
Wed May 4 03:17:57 PDT 2011

On 05/03/2011 11:22 PM, Rémi Forax wrote:
> On 05/03/2011 10:53 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Brainstorming coro package names...
>> java.lang.invoke isn't bad, perhaps, but it is a different form of invocation than invokedynamic.
>> This is a core JVM feature, so something under java.lang seems appropriate in any case...
>> java.lang.coroutine (or coro) is maybe too specific?
>> How far off would it be to call coroutines "fibers" outright? Perhaps fiber does not sufficiently cover all uses of coroutines.
Ah, names, yes... there are lots of different names for this concept.
I settled for coroutines because it's the oldest one, and because 
there's a vocabulary of concepts for it: (a)symmetric, stackful, 
first-class, ...
>> I'll throw out java.lang.fiber as an option.
>> java.lang.stack would cover the wider uses of stack-swapping, stack-memoizing, and microthreading happening here...
>> If the primary classes for coro lived directly under java.lang then other lang classes could depend on them, like Thread, and every package that deals with Runnable could depend on Coroutine the same way.
> why not java.lang ?
> as you said, coroutines have strong links with java.lang classes.
Tempting... Coroutines have lots of interaction with java.lang.Thread, 
so java.lang would fit nicely.
I used javax.stack at one point, but the "stack" moniker doesn't feel 
right to me, because the fact that we're dealing with stacks isn't 
necessarily something the average Java user needs to know...

- Lukas

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