Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Fri May 20 06:17:17 PDT 2011

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:55 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> The last MH.invoke in my sketch could also be the indy instruction, with the preceding stuff executed in the BSM.
> The basic idea is to package the wrapping logic in a target-independent form, and bind it (pre-packaged) to each call site's unwrapped target MH, as return new MutableCallSite(invoker.bindTo(targetMH)).
> I *think* this would inline OK.  And it might be a somewhat more modular way to express your problem, since you wouldn't need to introduce the final target MH until the last moment.

Hmm, ok. I'll see if I can't rig this. Might not be able to see proper
inlining with current MLVM head, but I'll try to at least put
something together.

- Charlie

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