Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
tom.rodriguez at
Fri May 20 14:08:59 PDT 2011
Is it the inlining policy? I played a little with this and the current default policy is still not as good as the big tweaks to MaxInlineSize and InlineSmallCode.
On May 20, 2011, at 1:21 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Meh, false alarm. This is just the default empty Object[] assigned to
> all objects. I still can't explain the perf degradation.
> Here's the full assembly for fib_ruby:
> It seems like stuff is inlining, so I have no idea why performance is
> so terrible.
> - Charlie
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter
> <headius at> wrote:
>> Another update...I managed to turn off the ricochet frames and have it
>> still work (???). The with-ricochet mode is faster, but still 2-3x
>> slower than no indy at all (using JRuby's IC), and 4-5x slower than
>> invokedynamic was recently...
>> assembly dump I just did contains some very odd code that
>> might indicate a problem in my code. Hold the presses on digging into
>> it on your end until I can explain this. (this = apparently standing
>> up an instance variable table for Fixnum objects...*definitely* should
>> not be happening).
>> 0x02868f2a: mov [eax+0x1C], ebx ;*invokespecial <init>
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyBasicObject::<init>@1 (line 218)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyObject::<init>@2 (line 116)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyNumeric::<init>@2 (line 114)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyInteger::<init>@2 (line 95)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::<init>@5 (line 112)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::newFixnum at 25 (line 173)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::op_minus at 34 (line 395)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.runtime.callsite.MinusCallSite::call at 24 (line 16)
>> 0x02868f2d: mov ebx, [esp+0x14]
>> 0x02868f31: mov ecx, [ebx+0xBC]
>> 0x02868f37: mov edx, eax
>> 0x02868f39: shr edx, 9
>> 0x02868f3c: mov [edx+0x394000], 0x00 ;*putfield varTable
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyBasicObject::<init>@8 (line 84)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyObject::<init>@2 (line 116)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyNumeric::<init>@2 (line 114)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyInteger::<init>@2 (line 95)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::<init>@5 (line 112)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::newFixnum at 25 (line 173)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::op_minus at 34 (line 395)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.runtime.callsite.MinusCallSite::call at 24 (line 16)
>> 0x02868f43: mov edx, a 'java/lang/Class' = 'org/jruby/RubyBasicObject'
>> ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class' =
>> 'org/jruby/RubyBasicObject')}
>> 0x02868f48: mov ebx, [edx+0x68] ;*getstatic NULL_OBJECT_ARRAY
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyBasicObject::<init>@5 (line 84)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyObject::<init>@2 (line 116)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyNumeric::<init>@2 (line 114)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyInteger::<init>@2 (line 95)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::<init>@5 (line 112)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::newFixnum at 25 (line 173)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::op_minus at 34 (line 395)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.runtime.callsite.MinusCallSite::call at 24 (line 16)
>> 0x02868f4b: mov [eax+0x10], ebx
>> 0x02868f4e: lock add [esp], 0x00 ;*putfield varTable
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyBasicObject::<init>@8 (line 84)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyObject::<init>@2 (line 116)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyNumeric::<init>@2 (line 114)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyInteger::<init>@2 (line 95)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::<init>@5 (line 112)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::newFixnum at 25 (line 173)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.RubyFixnum::op_minus at 34 (line 395)
>> ; -
>> org.jruby.runtime.callsite.MinusCallSite::call at 24 (line 16)
>> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter
>> <headius at> wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Ola Bini <ola.bini at> wrote:
>>>>> Try -XX:+UnlockDiag* -XX:-UseRicochetFrames for differential testing.
>>>>> If you can find a microbenchmark which shows differential slowdown, we can debug it.
>>>> When trying the above all my tests fail with this:
>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.InternalError: NYI
>>> Same here.
>>> Reproducing it is pretty easy...
>>> * Clone JRuby: git clone
>>> * Build JRuby: cd jruby ; ant
>>> * Run benchmarks: bin/jruby bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35
>>> There are many benchmarks under the bench dir, almost all of which
>>> show this degradation. You can disable invokedynamic use in JRuby by
>>> passing -Xcompile.invokedynamic=false, as seen here:
>>> ~/projects/jruby ➔ jruby -Xcompile.invokedynamic=false
>>> bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 5 35
>>> WARNING: Both jruby-complete.jar and jruby.jar are present in the
>>> 'lib' directory. Will use jruby.jar
>>> 9227465
>>> 1.698000 0.000000 1.698000 ( 1.645000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 1.352000 0.000000 1.352000 ( 1.352000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 1.364000 0.000000 1.364000 ( 1.364000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 1.344000 0.000000 1.344000 ( 1.344000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 1.336000 0.000000 1.336000 ( 1.336000)
>>> ~/projects/jruby ➔ jruby -Xcompile.invokedynamic=true
>>> bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 5 35
>>> WARNING: Both jruby-complete.jar and jruby.jar are present in the
>>> 'lib' directory. Will use jruby.jar
>>> 9227465
>>> 3.182000 0.000000 3.182000 ( 3.120000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 3.019000 0.000000 3.019000 ( 3.019000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 3.195000 0.000000 3.195000 ( 3.195000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 3.163000 0.000000 3.163000 ( 3.163000)
>>> 9227465
>>> 3.656000 0.000000 3.656000 ( 3.656000)
>>> I'm sure something's just broken...this benchmark was easily almost 2x
>>> faster than the non-invokedynamic version just a few days ago, and
>>> it's now 2-3x slower than non-indy logic.
>>> I'm going to be online all day, standing by to help in any way I can.
>>> I did do a quick LogCompilation last night and the main thing I
>>> noticed was that while it seemed like handles are inlining, the
>>> eventual DMH does not inline. That would explain some of the perf
>>> degradation, I think...but hopefully not all of it.
>>> Whatever you need me to run or whatever information...let me know.
>>> ALSO...I got the same error as Ola when running JRuby with a
>>> standalone jar file:
>>> ~/projects/jruby ➔ java -jar lib/jruby-complete.jar bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb
>>> `invokeExact': java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> org/jruby/runtime/ThreadContext
>>> from `invokeExact'
>>> from bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb:7:in `method__0$RUBY$fib_ruby'
>>> from bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb:7:in `method__0$RUBY$fib_ruby'
>>> from bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb:7:in `method__0$RUBY$fib_ruby'
>>> from bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb:7:in `method__0$RUBY$fib_ruby'
>>> As in Ola's case, ThreadContext is a core JRuby class. I do *not* get
>>> this error when JRuby is loaded from the bootstrap classloader, so I
>>> imagine there's some mix-up with generated bytecode and the
>>> classloaders that that bytecode gets loaded into.
>>> - Charlie
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