Linkage error on recent JDKs

Mark Roos mroos at
Sun Feb 26 17:10:04 PST 2012

Charles you mentioned

That's  one class per jitted Ruby method, and to make them GCable that's 
classloader per class. So if we eventually JIT 1000 Ruby methods, you
have 1000 classes and 1000 classloaders.

I was wondering about the need to make the classes GCable.  My first 
approach used annoClasses
from sun.misc.unsafe but that turned out to have limited support so I went 
to a 'normal' class
generation ( again like you one class per method).  In looking over my 
code it looked like about 50K
of these classes for a typical app with about 10% roll over for its life. 
So I decided not to worry about
GCing the replaced classes.  Does Ruby generate/replace lots of methods or 
am I making a mistake
by not having a classLoader per class?

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