Linkage error on recent JDKs

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Sun Feb 26 18:21:06 PST 2012

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Mark Roos <mroos at> wrote:
> I was wondering about the need to make the classes GCable.  My first
> approach used annoClasses
> from sun.misc.unsafe but that turned out to have limited support so I went
> to a 'normal' class
> generation ( again like you one class per method).  In looking over my code
> it looked like about 50K
> of these classes for a typical app with about 10% roll over for its life.
>  So I decided not to worry about
> GCing the replaced classes.  Does Ruby generate/replace lots of methods or
> am I making a mistake
> by not having a classLoader per class?

For you, it's probably not a big deal. For Ruby, it could be
catastrophic. Ruby code does a lot more "meta" stuff with runtime code
generation, sometimes via evaluating new code that's not visible to an
ahead-of-time compiled, It's not a *lot* of new methods being
generated (or methods being replaced) but it only takes a few of them
periodically to slowly eat up memory. The price of a classloader per
class is not trivial, but it's better than having a slow leak over

We also have always intended to add a reoptimizing pass that throws
out unused or rarely-used compiled methods and allows them to get hot
again. If we wanted to do that periodically, we'd need arbitrary
methods to be GCable.

- Charlie

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