Rtalk Performance for micro benchmarks (how to improve)

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Mon Sep 17 23:34:00 PDT 2012

        An aside...can you post your RTALK and Java Hanoi impls? I'm 
        looking for another benchmark to add to my suite.

Not much but here, in order, would be Hanoi in Smalltalk, several integer 
types of Java and the
version is java which matches the Rtalk implementation not using 

supportHanoiMove: numberOfDisks from: source to: dest temp: temp
   "<modified:sys=GAKRE8CA,time=05/10/12 at 01:19:31 pm>   "
        numberOfDisks == 1 ifTrue: [^self].
                supportHanoiMove: numberOfDisks - 1 from: source to: temp 
temp: dest;
                supportHanoiMove: numberOfDisks - 1 from: temp to: dest 
temp: source

invoked with 
     self supportHanoiMove: 25 from: 1 to: 2 temp: 3

For the java tests  ( I have tried all primitives and boxed as well )

public void testMove(Long numberOfDisks, Long source, Long dest, Long 
temp) {
  Long one = 1L;
  if(numberOfDisks.longValue() == one.longValue()) return;
  testMove(new Long(numberOfDisks-1L), source, temp, dest);
  testMove(new Long(numberOfDisks-1L), temp, dest, source);

And for the Rtalk equivalent  ( without BigInteger )  RtObject boxes a 

public void testMove(RtObject numberOfDisks, RtObject source, RtObject 
dest, RtObject temp) {
  RtObject one = new RtObject(1L);
  if(RtPrimitives.primObjectIdentEquals(numberOfDisks, one) == RtObject.
getTrue()) return;
  RtObject next = RtPrimitives.primIntegerSub(numberOfDisks, one);
  testMove(next, source, temp, dest);
  next = RtPrimitives.primIntegerSub(numberOfDisks, one);
  testMove(next, temp, dest, source);


  static public RtObject primObjectIdentEquals(RtObject rcvr, RtObject 
arg1) {
    // need to handle integer special
    if((rcvr.shape() == 1) & (arg1.shape() == 1)){
      if(rcvr.getLongValue() == arg1.getLongValue()){
        return RtObject._true;
      if (rcvr == arg1) {
        return RtObject._true;
      return RtObject._false;

  static public RtObject primIntegerSub(RtObject rcvr, RtObject arg1) {
    if((arg1.shape() & 0x1) != 1){
      return _primFail;
    long c=(rcvr.getLongValue()) - (arg1.getLongValue());
    return  RtObject.newInteger(c);

  public static RtObject newInteger(long val){
    // use cache to get one or else make a new one
    // check for overflow which is > 62bit signed
    if (val < -2305843009213693952L || val > 2305843009213693951L) {
      return newBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(val));
    if(val >= _intCacheMin && val <= _intCacheMax){
      return _integerCache[(int)val - (int)_intCacheMin];
    return new RtObject(val);
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