Proposal for Property Accessors

John Rose john.r.rose at
Sat Jan 5 15:44:37 PST 2013

On Jan 5, 2013, at 12:03 PM, Remi Forax wrote:

> I think I prefer a more general mechanism that ask javac to replace all 
> access to fields (or methods) for a given class, insert an invokedynamic 
> instead and let you specifies the bootstrap method in Java code.
> With that, you have properties, proxy, interceptor, AOP, and with a 
> little effort method_not_found.

I have a pet name for that, Ninja = "Ninja Is Not Java Anymore".

The Scala people have a similar project to virtualize the language, and it is likely IMO to be a useful exercise, at least in their world.  By virtualizing most or all language constructs, you can experiment with DSLs at very low cost.

— John
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