JVM Language Summit (Europe)?

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 00:19:52 PDT 2013

Hi all,

We're working on this (getting a venue etc). I think the focus is likely to
be narrowed to have some presentations/discussions and workshops on Java 9
(10?) related topics. In particular Jigsaw, Type Reification (or not), and
Value Types/Tuples/Packed Objects/Structs/Whatever you want to call them.


On 21 October 2013 20:10, Francis ANDRE <francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr>wrote:

>  Hi Martijn
> I am interested by the JVM Summit in Europe. How can I join the process?
> Francis
> Le 02/10/2013 14:38, Martijn Verburg a écrit :
> Hi all,
>  Hope this is the right mailing list to post on, apologies for the slight
> OT post.
>  A few people asked whether the LJC could/would host a JVM language
> summit in Europe which would hopefully cover the EMEA based folks that
> can't make the existing summit.
>  I'd like to get an idea of whether there's appetite for this and if so
> when it should be run:
>  * At the same time and have some video-conferencing sessions? OR
>  * At a time almost 'opposite' to the existing summit so that there's a
> summit roughly every 6-months.
>  Ping me directly with your thoughts (unless this is the right mailing
> list - in that case reply back here).
> Cheers,
> Martijn
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