nashorn on android? (impossible? improbable? :))

Darren Cruse darren.cruse at
Tue Jan 22 15:15:17 PST 2013

Hope this question isn't annoying (because the more I'd researched the more
I think this is a real challenge).

But I'm excited at the idea of "javascript everywhere" and it would be
really nice if "everywhere" wound up including nashorn on android.

>From googling around my suspicion is that invokedynamic is probably slow if
ever coming to the Dalvik VM - am I seeing it right?

Or is there some solution coming for this?

e.g. I thought I'd seen something about a JSR for emulating invokedynamic
on older JVMs but I can't find it - and now wonder if I dreamed it :).

Also I just stumbled on this:

But it looks more like a proposal than a going concern at this point.

Any thoughts?

What are the odds of nashorn ever coming to android?

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