January 2013 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Jan 3 08:34:45 PST 2013
Ending: Thu Jan 31 17:26:29 PST 2013
Messages: 324
- Are the JIRA tickets supposed to be public?
Seth Tisue
- Are the JIRA tickets supposed to be public?
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Are the JIRA tickets supposed to be public?
Seth Tisue
- Are the JIRA tickets supposed to be public?
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Building a JDK with nashorn embedded
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Petr Hejl
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Petr Hejl
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Contribution: Offset quickfixes
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Error trying to use slf4j
Bryan Castillo
- Error trying to use slf4j
Remi Forax
- Error trying to use slf4j
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/corba: 5 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/hotspot: 88 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxp: 19 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxws: 9 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jdk: 217 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/langtools: 82 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 3 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005703: Offsets miscalculated for blocks
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005777: Bug in the FacetIntrospector of Dynalink - non-public class should search super
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005782: get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005788: Loggers and their corresponding system properties not working correctly
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005789: Forgot to document -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005801: Refactor findSetMethod
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005801: Refactor findSetMethod
Marcus Lagergren
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005835: NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005842: Loops in ASTWriter. Corrected @Reference and @Ignore node annotation for IR nodes
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005843: refSymbols lookup of unbound variable could cause NullPointerException in Lower
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005846: Remove Mangler in favor of Dynalink's NameCodec
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005848: assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005940: provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005958: invoking a function through INVOKESTATIC with more arguments than it declares resulted in malformed bytecode being generated
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005971: runsunspider.js should check results of benchmarks
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005976: Break out AccessSpecializer into one pass before CodeGenerator instead of iterative applications from CodeGenerator
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005982: NASHORN-71.js failing in nightlys
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005983: JavaAdapterFactory generated proxy classes should take extra constructor arguments at the end
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8005987: ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006082: Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006093: Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests)
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006168: ability to generate multi-type Java adapters
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006181: nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
A. Sundararajan
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006181: nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006293: Reduce ScriptObject.findCallMethodMethod
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006304: Remove pre-population of maps for constructor produced maps
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006337: Discarded arguments for INVOKESTATIC must still be evaluated for side effects
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006408: Clean up and specialize NativeString
hannes.wallnoefer at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006412: Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006424: Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006517: PropertyHashMap.Element.equals() compares to Property
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006525: Give StaticClass objects their own linker
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006527: nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006529: Methods always get callee - it should be conditional
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006557: JDK8/Lambda build clashes on Map.replace()
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006570: This-value for non-strict functions should be converted to object
hannes.wallnoefer at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006575: Error in codegen for element access on primitive value
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006584: improve variable handling in NashornScriptEngine
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006635: Reduce access levels as much as possible
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006676: Integrate Nashorn into new build system
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006677: Remove unused FunctionNode flags
attila.szegedi at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006678: Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006736: nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006755: Functions inside with statements dont get correct scope
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow
hannes.wallnoefer at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006852: Move tests from JIRA for prepopulated map failures
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006857: ClassCastException when interface implementing function uses arguments object
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007004: nashorn script engine should not use thread context class loader as script 'application loader'
Bryan Atsatt
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007004: nashorn script engine should not use thread context class loader as script 'application loader'
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007060: Primitive wrap filter throws ClassCastException in test262parallel
hannes.wallnoefer at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007062: Split Lower up into Lower/Attr/FinalizeTypes. Integrate AccessSpecalizer into FinalizeTypes.
marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007094: Apply version to nashorn.jar manifest
james.laskey at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007109: Regression: String(ConsString) does not flatten argument to String
hannes.wallnoefer at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: nashorn/jdk8: 51 new changesets
james.laskey at oracle.com
- Input from the public
Frank Westlake
- Input from the public
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- JavaDoc
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- JEP 174: Nashorn JavaScript Engine
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- Joni regexp patch
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Nashorn does not support implicit array conversion b/w script and Java array [ Re: some nashorn testing]
A. Sundararajan
- nashorn on android? (impossible? improbable? :))
Darren Cruse
- nashorn on android? (impossible? improbable? :))
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- nashorn on android? (impossible? improbable? :))
Remi Forax
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005842/ - ASTWriter went into infinite loops
A. Sundararajan
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005842/ - ASTWriter went into infinite loops
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005842/ - ASTWriter went into infinite loops
Marcus Lagergren
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8007062 - Lower refactoring
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8007062 - Lower refactoring
Marcus Lagergren
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8007062 - Lower refactoring
Attila Szegedi
- Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8007062 - Lower refactoring
Marcus Lagergren
- Please review JDK-8005777
Attila Szegedi
- Please review JDK-8005777
Marcus Lagergren
- Please review JDK-8005777
A. Sundararajan
- Please review JDK-8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Please review JDK-8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
A. Sundararajan
- Please review JDK-8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Please review JDK-8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
Marcus Lagergren
- Proposed patches for nashorn build infrastructure
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Proposed patches for nashorn build infrastructure
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Proposed patches for nashorn build infrastructure
Andreas Rieber
- Review 8005789
Marcus Lagergren
- Review 8005789
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review 8005789
Attila Szegedi
- Review request 8005848 : assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request 8005848 : assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request 8005848 : assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString
A. Sundararajan
- Review request : JDK-8005940 : provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request : JDK-8005940 : provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request : JDK-8005940 : provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005976/webrev/
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005976/webrev/
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005976/webrev/
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005976/webrev/
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8005788
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for 8005788
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for 8005788
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8005801
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for 8005801
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for 8005801
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8005801
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005971/
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005971/
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lagergren/8005971/
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8005846
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8005846
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8005846
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8005958
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8005958
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8005983
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8005983
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8005983
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006168
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006293
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006293
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006293
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
A. Sundararajan
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request for JDK-8006304
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006337
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006337
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006337
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006337
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8006408
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006408
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006408
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006525
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006525
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006525
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006525
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006529
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006529
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006529
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006529
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006529
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006570
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006677
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8006677
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006677
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8006677
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006950
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8006950
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8006950
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8007060
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8007060
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8007109
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8007109
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8005982 : NASHORN-71.js failing in nightlys
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8005982 : NASHORN-71.js failing in nightlys
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8005987 : ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8005987 : ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8005987 : ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006082 : Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006082 : Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006082 : Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006093 : Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests)
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8006093 : Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests)
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006093 : Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests)
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
Andreas Rieber
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006181 : nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006412 : Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006412 : Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006412 : Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8006412 : Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006424 : Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8006424 : Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8006424 : Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006424 : Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8006527 : nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006557: JDK8/Lambda build clashes on Map.replace()
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006557: JDK8/Lambda build clashes on Map.replace()
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006575 : Error in codegen for element access on primitive value
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006575 : Error in codegen for element access on primitive value
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8006575 : Error in codegen for element access on primitive value
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006584 : improve variable handling in NashfornScriptEngine
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006584 : improve variable handling in NashfornScriptEngine
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006584 : improve variable handling in NashfornScriptEngine
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8006635 : Reduce access levels as much as possible
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006635 : Reduce access levels as much as possible
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006635 : Reduce access levels as much as possible
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006678 : Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006678 : Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006678 : Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006736 : nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006736 : nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8006736 : nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006755: Functions inside with statements dont get correct scope
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006755: Functions inside with statements dont get correct scope
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request JDK-8006852 : Move tests from JIRA for prepopulated map failures
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request JDK-8006852 : Move tests from JIRA for prepopulated map failures
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006857: ClassCastException when interface implementing function uses arguments object
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8006857: ClassCastException when interface implementing function uses arguments object
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request JDK-8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
Attila Szegedi
- Review request JDK-8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
A. Sundararajan
- Review Request: 8005663 Update copyright year to 2013
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request: 8005663 Update copyright year to 2013
A. Sundararajan
- Review request: 8005665: JavaDoc should only display public interfaces
A. Sundararajan
- Review request: 8005665: JavaDoc should only display public interfaces
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request: 8005666: Add webrev to .hgignore
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request: 8005666: Add webrev to .hgignore
A. Sundararajan
- Review Request: 8005703: Offsets miscalculated for blocks
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review Request: 8005782 : get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build
Marcus Lagergren
- Review Request: 8005782 : get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build
Attila Szegedi
- Review Request: 8005782 : get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build
A. Sundararajan
- Review Request: 8005835 : NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review Request: 8005835 : NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file
A. Sundararajan
- Review Request: 8005835 : NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file
Marcus Lagergren
- scriptpad testing
Andreas Rieber
- scriptpad testing
A. Sundararajan
- scriptpad testing
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- scriptpad testing
Andreas Rieber
- scriptpad testing
A. Sundararajan
- scriptpad testing
Andreas Rieber
- scriptpad testing
A. Sundararajan
- scriptpad testing
Andreas Rieber
- scriptpad testing
A. Sundararajan
- scriptpad testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Attila Szegedi
- some nashorn testing
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Attila Szegedi
- some nashorn testing
Remi Forax
- some nashorn testing
Marcus Lagergren
- some nashorn testing
Marcus Lagergren
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Marcus Lagergren
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Marcus Lagergren
- some nashorn testing
A. Sundararajan
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Attila Szegedi
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Attila Szegedi
- some nashorn testing
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing
Marcus Lagergren
- some nashorn testing
A. Sundararajan
- some nashorn testing/ jrunscript patch
Andreas Rieber
- some nashorn testing/ jrunscript patch
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- some nashorn testing/ jrunscript patch
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Testing
Marcus Lagergren
- Testing
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Testing
Pavel A. Stepanoff
- what is the debugging story for nashorn?
Darren Cruse
- what is the debugging story for nashorn?
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 17:26:29 PST 2013
Archived on: Thu Jan 31 17:27:02 PST 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).