scriptpad testing

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Wed Jan 23 05:36:19 PST 2013

Hi Andreas,

No, I've not fixed anything w.r.t "with" statement. You mentioned you 
had faced complex issues with JSR223 -- I did some fixes in nashorn's 
JSR223 engine implementation.

For the 'with' issue, Jim has filed a bug


On Wednesday 23 January 2013 07:03 PM, Andreas Rieber wrote:
> Hi Sundar,
> i have your last changes, did another update and fresh build 1 minute 
> ago:
> sh bin/jjs scriptpad.js
> scriptpad.js:7 ReferenceError: "JFrame" is not defined
> where the scriptpad.js is:
> var guiPkgs = { JFrame: function() { print("created"); } };
> with (guiPkgs) {
>     function main() {
>         function createFrame() {
>             var frame = new JFrame();
>         }
>         createFrame();
>     }
> }
> main();
> - Andreas
> On 23.01.13 14:22, A. Sundararajan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, 'sync' is rhino specific.  'with' statement seems to be a bug. 
>> I'll file a bug.
>> I've recently made some changes to jsr223 interface to nashorn. In 
>> particular global scope handling and multiple globals per engine etc. 
>> have been improved and fixed. Please pull the latest code. And please 
>> send us your test cases showing failure.
>> Thanks,
>> -Sundar
>> On Wednesday 23 January 2013 06:01 PM, Andreas Rieber wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i tried now the scriptpad sample from openjdk with Nashorn and have 
>>> found 2 minor issues.
>>> The file: 
>>> jdk8/jdk/src/share/sample/scripting/scriptpad/src/resources/conc.js 
>>> relies on a 'sync' function. Looks to be a Rhino only - so a 
>>> migration issue.
>>> The next one is about scopes in file: 
>>> jdk8/jdk/src/share/sample/scripting/scriptpad/src/resources/scriptpad.js. 
>>> I removed everything unimportant and the following code snippet show 
>>> the problem:
>>> ------
>>> var guiPkgs = { JFrame: function() { print("created"); } };
>>> with (guiPkgs) {
>>>     function main() {
>>>         function createFrame() {
>>>             var frame = new JFrame();
>>>         }
>>>         createFrame();
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> main();
>>> ------
>>> 'created' should come out but JFrame is unknown. I tested this with 
>>> some browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome) but only Rhino and Firefox 
>>> can handle that construct.
>>> I had also some more complex problems related to JSR223 but will 
>>> come back with samples when i can separate them better.
>>> - Andreas

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