Synchronized functions

Hannes Wallnoefer hannes.wallnoefer at
Fri Oct 11 02:23:10 PDT 2013

Actually Rhino exposes a "sync" function for this purpose, 
org.mozilla.javascript.Synchronizer is just the class implementing this 
feature and not meant to be used directly by scripts.

While you could do something like this in Nashorn I would advise against 
it. Thread-safety is not one of the primary design goals in Nashorn, and 
nowadays most people would agree that there are better and safer ways 
for working with threads. I suggest looking at Worker/Actor models where 
you have multiple script engines working together through message passing.


Am 2013-10-11 10:45, schrieb Tal Liron:
> Thanks!
> Would it be possible to add this to mozilla_compat.js so that "new 
> org.mozilla.javascript.Synchronizer(myFunction)" would work?
> On 10/11/2013 03:31 PM, A. Sundararajan wrote:
>> There is a 'sync' function in a demo application (jconsole script 
>> plugin).  This may be of use.
>>     var sync = function(func, obj) {
>>         if (arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 2 ) {
>>             throw "sync(function [,object]) parameter count mismatch";
>>         }
>>         var syncobj = (arguments.length == 2 ? obj : this);
>>         if (!syncobj._syncLock) {
>>             syncobj._syncLock = new Lock();
>>         }
>>         return function() {
>>             syncobj._syncLock.lock();
>>             try {
>>                 func.apply(null, arguments);
>>             } finally {
>>                 syncobj._syncLock.unlock();
>>             }
>>         };
>>     };
>> See also: 
>> -Sundar
>> On Thursday 10 October 2013 03:16 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
>>> How does one create synchronized functions in Nashorn?
>>> Rhino has this facility:
>>> function myFunction() { ... }
>>> myFunction = new org.mozilla.javascript.Synchronizer(myFunction)

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