Code generation patches for fuzzer (feedback requested)

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Tue Oct 15 21:49:12 PDT 2013

Yes, definitely! I was just pointing out that it may not be feasible to 
address patches (and those bugs!) immediately for jdk8.

Please post all patches/info/bugs to this list -- as always! Shortly 
after jdk8, we can file bugs and get in those patches after review/test 
and as well as file bugs for your fresh fuzzer changes!


On Tuesday 15 October 2013 08:29 PM, André Bargull wrote:
> (Your answer was only sent to the mailing list and I'm using digest 
> mode, that means I get your responses with delay... )
> Sure, I understand the scheduling issues. If the changes are too risky 
> or if there isn't even enough time to perform risk evaluation, they 
> won't make it for JDK8. But posting the patches won't hurt, will it? :-)
> - André
>> As we are approaching towards jdk8 end game, it is better to avoid
>> sweeping changes at the last minute.
>> I think we can definitely consider these changes for post jdk8 (8 update
>> perhaps..).
>> PS. As you know, not all your previous 'fuzzer' issues have been fixed
>> for jdk8 - again due to time constraints.
>> Thanks for reporting,
>> -Sundar

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