reflecting on JS functions/objects

Michael Roberts mike at
Fri Oct 18 17:38:53 PDT 2013

Just to be clear, previously, with Rhino, I could do something like:

DebuggableScript deb = Context.getDebuggableView(script);
int functionCount = deb.getFunctionCount();

// Build a collection of all of the implemented functions in the JS
HashSet<String> functionNames = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i = 0; i < functionCount; i++) {
DebuggableScript function = deb.getFunction(i);
String functionName = function.getFunctionName();

Looking for a rough analog.  I assume it's in the ScriptContext somwhere?


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Michael Roberts <mike at> wrote:

> Hi, I am looking at Nashorn for the first time and have a lightweight
> question.
> One thing which springs immediately to mind is the need to reflect on the
> contents of a js script.  I.e., I might do something trivial like :
> ScriptEngine e = (new ScriptEngineManager).getEngineByName("nashorn");
> e.eval("function foo() { return -1; }; function foo2() { return 0; }");
> I'd then like to enumerate through the functions the script defined so I
> can create an external binding to them, without knowing beforehand that my
> script contains foo and foo2, as the examples I have seen do.  Does this
> exist currently and if so, where should I be looking?
> best regards
> M

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