reflecting on JS functions/objects
A. Sundararajan
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Sun Oct 20 23:31:04 PDT 2013
Bindings jsglobals = e.getContext().getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
You can iterate key-value pairs of the Bindings. For script objects and
functions, the value is of type
After checking instanceof on the value, you can call
ScriptObjectMirror.isFunction() to check if that is a function or not.
Essentially, you can work with javax.script API and
jdk.nashorn.api.scripting API to get these. ScriptObjectMirror has
methods to get/set properties and call methods, constructors etc. When
you have a function, you can call get("name") on it to get "name"
property of that Function object.
Hope this helps,
On Saturday 19 October 2013 06:08 AM, Michael Roberts wrote:
> Just to be clear, previously, with Rhino, I could do something like:
> DebuggableScript deb = Context.getDebuggableView(script);
> int functionCount = deb.getFunctionCount();
> // Build a collection of all of the implemented functions in the JS
> implementation
> HashSet<String> functionNames = new HashSet<String>();
> for (int i = 0; i < functionCount; i++) {
> DebuggableScript function = deb.getFunction(i);
> String functionName = function.getFunctionName();
> functionNames.add(functionName);
> }
> Looking for a rough analog. I assume it's in the ScriptContext somwhere?
> M
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Michael Roberts <mike at> wrote:
>> Hi, I am looking at Nashorn for the first time and have a lightweight
>> question.
>> One thing which springs immediately to mind is the need to reflect on the
>> contents of a js script. I.e., I might do something trivial like :
>> ScriptEngine e = (new ScriptEngineManager).getEngineByName("nashorn");
>> e.eval("function foo() { return -1; }; function foo2() { return 0; }");
>> I'd then like to enumerate through the functions the script defined so I
>> can create an external binding to them, without knowing beforehand that my
>> script contains foo and foo2, as the examples I have seen do. Does this
>> exist currently and if so, where should I be looking?
>> best regards
>> M
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