Number of Nashorn bugs in JIRA is way too low
A. Sundararajan
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Tue Sep 17 03:51:53 PDT 2013
Thanks for reporting..
PS Any more on your list? Will you please send us as soon as you can?
We'd like to fix as many as issues before jdk8 goes out.
Thanks for helping out by finding these..
On Tuesday 17 September 2013 02:56 PM, André Bargull wrote:
> Apparently I've never reported the following bugs, shame on me! :(
> Fortunately (or rather unfortunately) they are still reproducible on
> hg tip.
> - André
> StackOverFlowError in LambdaForm bootstrapping is annoying to handle:
> Test 1:
> jjs> function test() { try { test(); } catch(e) { throw e+""} }
> function test() { try { test(); } catch(e) { throw e+""} }
> jjs> try { test(); } catch (e) {e.printStackTrace()}
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ConsString
> jjs> try {""+{}}catch(e){e.printStackTrace()}
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ConsString
> Test 2:
> jjs> function test() { try { test(1,test(1)); } catch(e) { throw
> function(){throw e}()} }
> function test() { try { test(1,test(1)); } catch(e) { throw
> function(){throw e}()} }
> jjs> try { test(); } catch (e) {e}
> java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: call site initialization exception
> jjs> (function f(o){with(o){ }})()
> Expected: should have thrown TypeError
> jjs> (function(){ try{throw 0} catch(e){try { try {throw 1}catch(e){
> return e } } finally {print(e)}} })()
> Expected: 0 - 1
> Actual: 1 - 1
> jjs> (function(o){ try{with(o){return x}}finally{return x} })({x: 1})
> Expected: ReferenceError
> jjs> (function(){ eval("print('fail')", x) })()
> Expected: ReferenceError
> jjs> (function f(){return f; var f})()
> function f(){return f; var f}
> Expected: undefined
> jjs> (function f(){return eval("f")})()
> Expected: function f(){...}
> jjs> (function f(){return eval("f")})()
> jjs> (function f(){return function(){return eval("f")}()})()
> java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast
> jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO0P0 to jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO1P0
> jjs> (function(x){var o={x:0}; with(o){delete x} return o.x})()
> Expected: undefined
> jjs> String.prototype[3] = "hello"; Object.prototype[4] = "world"; for
> (var i in "123")print(i)
> Expected: 0 1 2 3 4
> jjs> (function f(){var a,b; with(a={set
> x(v){print("fail")}})with(b={get x(){delete this.x; return 0}})x-=1;
> return b.x})()
> Expected: -1, don't print "fail"
> jjs> (function(global){"use strict";
> Object.defineProperty(global,"x",{get: function(){delete global.x;
> return 0}, configurable:true}); x-=1 })(this)
> Expected: global "x" is -1
> Actual: ReferenceError
> jjs> (function(global){"use strict";
> Object.defineProperty(global,"x",{get: function(){delete global.x;
> return 0}, configurable:true}); x-- })(this)
> Expected: global "x" is -1
> Actual: ReferenceError
> jjs> (function f(){ Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get:
> function(){return {valueOf:function(){throw 0}}}}).x -=
> Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get: function(){throw 1}}).x })()
> Expected: throws 1
> Actual: throws 0
> jjs> (function f(){ Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get:
> function(){return {valueOf:function(){throw 0}}}}).x -
> Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get: function(){throw 1}}).x })()
> Expected: throws 1
> Actual: throws 0
> jjs> (function f(){try{throw 0}catch(e){print(e); eval("var e=1");
> print(e); eval("delete e"); print(e)} print(e) })()
> Expected: 0 1 1 undefined
> Actual: 0 0 0 1
> jjs> describe = function(o,
> pk){print(JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,pk)))}
> function(o,
> pk){print(JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,pk)))}
> jjs> var x=0; eval("var y=0")
> jjs> describe(this,"x"); describe(this,"y")
> {"configurable":false,"enumerable":true,"writable":true,"value":0}
> {"configurable":false,"enumerable":true,"writable":true,"value":0}
> Expected: second property descriptor is configurable=true
> Actual: second property descriptor is configurable=false
> jjs> "use strict"; throw "not early"; delete x
> Expected: early SyntaxError (spec is a bit unclear here)
> jjs> (function(){var x; (function(){"use strict"; eval("delete x");
> })(); })()
> jjs> (function(){var x; (function(){ eval("delete x"); })(); })()
> Expected: Second expression should not throw SyntaxError
> Actual: SyntaxError from first expression also thrown in second
> expression
> jjs> ({valueOf: function(){throw 0}}) - ({valueOf: function(){throw
> 1}} - 1)
> Expected: throws 1
> Actual: throws 0
> jjs> (function f(){ if(0){var x}; return x })()
> Expected: returns undefined
> Actual: ReferenceError "x" is not defined
> jjs> function f(){ try{throw null}catch(e){return}finally{return e}
> var e; }; print(f())
> Expected: prints "undefined"
> Actual: prints "null"
> jjs> function f(){ try{throw null}catch(e){return}finally{} return 3;
> }; f()
> 0
> jjs> function f(){ try{throw null}catch(e){return}finally{} return
> true; }; f()
> false
> jjs> function f(){ try{throw null}catch(e){return}finally{} return
> 2.1; }; f()
> NaN
> Expected: returns always "undefined"
> jjs> function f(){ do{do{break}while(0); return}while(0); }
> Expected: outer do-while's body is marked as terminal (inspect
> generated bytecode, dup of JDK-8012472?)
> jjs> function f(v){switch(v){case 0: case 1: return "zero-or-one";
> default: return "other"}}
> Expected: switch is marked as terminal (inspect generated bytecode)
> Object.defineProperty(this,"x",{value:0})
> jjs> function f(v){switch(0){case 0: return "ups"; case false: return
> "aw"}}
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to
> java.lang.Integer
> jjs> Object.defineProperty(this,"x",{value:0})
> [object global]
> jjs> eval("function x(){}")
> 0
> Expected: Throw TypeError
> Actual: no TypeError
> jjs>
> Object.defineProperty(this,"x",{value:0,writable:true,enumerable:false})
> [object global]
> jjs> eval("function x(){}")
> function x(){}
> Expected: Throw TypeError
> Actual: no TypeError
> jjs> Object.defineProperty(this,"x",{set: function(v){print("fail")}})
> [object global]
> jjs> eval("function x(){}")
> function x(){}
> Expected: Throw TypeError
> Actual: prints "fail"
> jjs> (function f(v){switch(v|0){}})({valueOf: function(){throw 0}})
> Expected: throws 0
> Actual: no exception thrown
> Also: tableswitch never emitted for size < 4!
> jjs> (function(global){var x=1; with(global){eval("eval('var x=0')")}
> return x})(this)
> Expected: 0
> Actual: 1
> jjs> (function(global){var x=1; with({eval:
> global.eval}){eval("eval('var x=0')")} return x})(this)
> Expected: 0
> Actual: 1
> jjs> s = ""; for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) s+="o = new Object()\n";
> s+="g()"; try{eval("function f(){"+s+"}")()}catch(e){e.stack+""}
> Expected: $split method not present in stacktrace
> Actual: $split method in stacktrace
> jjs> 1/(new Date(1969, 8, 1)).getHours()
> (-Duser.timezone=America/Los_Angeles)
> Expected: Infinity
> Actual: -Infinity
> jjs> function RandomObject() { this.toString = function() { return
> (Math.random() * 100).toString(); } }
> jjs> for (var j=0; j <100; ++j) {var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 64;
> ++i) arr[i] = new RandomObject; arr.sort();}
> Expected: no IllegalArgumentException is thrown
> Actual: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates
> its general contract!
> jjs> x = "global"; (function(){eval("var x='local'"); delete x; return
> x})()
> local
> jjs> x = "global"; (function(){eval("var x='local'"); delete x; return
> x})()
> jjs>
> Expected: "global" "global"
> Actual: "local" -
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