September 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 2 08:10:23 PDT 2013
Ending: Mon Sep 30 14:10:04 PDT 2013
Messages: 198
- Review request for 8024174: Setting __proto__ property in Object literal should be supported
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Compiling to bytecode files
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- print() and newlines
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- print() and newlines
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request 8024397 - Nashorn FX Libraries need to be finalized.
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8024615: Refactor ScriptObjectMirror and JSObject to support external, JSObject implementations.
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8024476
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Bugs
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for 8024619: JDBC java.sql.DriverManager is not usable from JS script
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- JSON.stringify on Java object
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for 8024973: Using a different ScriptContext with a CompiledScript results in ScriptException
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8023154
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for 8025080: Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for 8025147: Trailing comma is not allowed in JSONArray and JSONObject
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Review request for JDK-8025163
Jim Laskey (Oracle)
- Number of Nashorn bugs in JIRA is way too low
André Bargull
- Number of Nashorn bugs in JIRA is way too low
André Bargull
- Fuzzing results with Nashorn (hg tip f1fd5f0bc84c)
André Bargull
- __proto__ implementation does not quite match proposed ES6 spec
André Bargull
- JDK-8023394: Support ECMAScript Internationalization APIs
André Bargull
- __proto__ implementation does not quite match proposed ES6 spec
André Bargull
- JDK-8023394: Support ECMAScript Internationalization APIs
André Bargull
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
André Bargull
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
André Bargull
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
André Bargull
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
André Bargull
- Nashorn bugs (hg tip 23958764f866)
André Bargull
- Questions regarding Nashorn Extensibility (from a Rhino Migration POV)
Rick Bullotta
- invoking method of nested js objects
Viktor Gamov
- JSON.stringify on Java object
Viktor Gamov
- Re: JSON.stringify on Java object
Viktor Gamov
- Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
Viktor Gamov
- Re: Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
Viktor Gamov
- Re: Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
Viktor Gamov
- Javascript object to Map
- Review request for JDK-8024130
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for 8024255: When a keyword is used as object property name, the property can not be deleted
Marcus Lagergren
- print() and newlines
Marcus Lagergren
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8024846
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8023154
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8022587
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for 8025090: 'while' statement with 'test' using var before being declared in body results in VerifyError
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for 8025111: undefined or null 'with' expression in empty with block should throw TypeError
Marcus Lagergren
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8025163
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8025515
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8025520
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request JDK-8025486
Marcus Lagergren
- Review request for JDK-8025197
Marcus Lagergren
- Compiling to bytecode files
Tal Liron
- Compiling to bytecode files
Tal Liron
- print() and newlines
Tal Liron
- print() and newlines
Tal Liron
- Bugs
Tal Liron
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Tal Liron
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Tal Liron
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Tal Liron
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Tal Liron
- Best approach to sandboxing Nashorn
Rod Nim
- Review request for 8011697: ScriptEngine "js" randomly means either "rhino" or "nashorn", but should instead select one
Andreas Rieber
- Review request for 8011697: ScriptEngine "js" randomly means either "rhino" or "nashorn", but should instead select one
Andreas Rieber
- Review request for 8011697: ScriptEngine "js" randomly means either "rhino" or "nashorn", but should instead select one
Andreas Rieber
- Explosions in calls to MutableCallSite.setTarget
Benjamin Sieffert
- Explosions in calls to MutableCallSite.setTarget
Benjamin Sieffert
- invoking method of nested js objects
A. Sundararajan
- Review request 8024120: Setting __proto__ to null removes the __proto__ property
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024174: Setting __proto__ property in Object literal should be supported
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024255: When a keyword is used as object property name, the property can not be deleted
A. Sundararajan
- Explosions in calls to MutableCallSite.setTarget
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024180: Incorrect handling of expression and parent scope in 'with' statements
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8024615: Refactor ScriptObjectMirror and JSObject to support external,JSObject implementations.
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024644: PluggableJSObject.iteratingJSObjectTest fails with jdk8-tl build
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8024693: Various minor issues with JSONWriter used by script parser API
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024619: JDBC java.sql.DriverManager is not usable from JS script
A. Sundararajan
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
A. Sundararajan
- Review request 8024847: should accept mirror and external JSObjects as array-like objects as well
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8024846
A. Sundararajan
- Best approach to sandboxing Nashorn
A. Sundararajan
- Best approach to sandboxing Nashorn
A. Sundararajan
- Number of Nashorn bugs in JIRA is way too low
A. Sundararajan
- Fuzzing results with Nashorn (hg tip f1fd5f0bc84c)
A. Sundararajan
- Review request 8024972: for (LeftHandSideExpression in Expression) crashes the compiler
A. Sundararajan
- Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8024973: Using a different ScriptContext with a CompiledScript results in ScriptException
A. Sundararajan
- Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
A. Sundararajan
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
A. Sundararajan
- __proto__ implementation does not quite match proposed ES6 spec
A. Sundararajan
- Nashorn fails to evaluate compiled script
A. Sundararajan
- JDK-8023394: Support ECMAScript Internationalization APIs
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025048: true as case label results in ClassCastException
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8011697: ScriptEngine "js" randomly means either "rhino" or "nashorn", but should instead select one
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025080: Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025090: 'while' statement with 'test' using var before being declared in body results in VerifyError
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025111: undefined or null 'with' expression in empty with block should throw TypeError
A. Sundararajan
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
A. Sundararajan
- And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025147: Trailing comma is not allowed in JSONArray and JSONObject
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025149: JSON.stringify({foo: 33, bar: 44}, undefined, Number(-Infinity))
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025312: parseInt should convert 'radix' argument to ToInt32 even if empty string is parsed
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025325: parseFloat does not handle '.' in exponent part
A. Sundararajan
- Javascript object to Map
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8025197
A. Sundararajan
- Review request JDK-8025486
A. Sundararajan
- Questions regarding Nashorn Extensibility (from a Rhino Migration POV)
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8025515
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8025520
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025629: load function should support a way to load scripts from classpath
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for 8025629: load function should support a way to load scripts from classpath
A. Sundararajan
- Nashorn bugs (hg tip 23958764f866)
A. Sundararajan
- Review request for JDK-8024130
Attila Szegedi
- VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Attila Szegedi
- Review request 8024847: should accept mirror and external JSObjects as array-like objects as well
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8024846
Attila Szegedi
- JSON.stringify on Java object
Attila Szegedi
- JSON.stringify on Java object
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for 8025629: load function should support a way to load scripts from classpath
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8025589
Attila Szegedi
- Review request for JDK-8024615: Refactor ScriptObjectMirror and JSObject to support external,JSObject implementations.
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8024644: PluggableJSObject.iteratingJSObjectTest fails with jdk8-tl build
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8024476
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8024512
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8024693: Various minor issues with JSONWriter used by script parser API
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request 8024847: should accept mirror and external JSObjects as array-like objects as well
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8024973: Using a different ScriptContext with a CompiledScript results in ScriptException
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8023154
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8025080: Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8022587
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8025111: undefined or null 'with' expression in empty with block should throw TypeError
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025163
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025434
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025197
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request JDK-8025486
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025515
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025515
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025520
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for JDK-8025589
Hannes Wallnoefer
- Review request for 8025629: load function should support a way to load scripts from classpath
Hannes Wallnoefer
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024130: We no longer need slots for temporaries in self-assign indices
attila.szegedi at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024846: keep separate internal arguments variable
attila.szegedi at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024476: Octane regression on Richards
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024512: Regex /[^\[]/ doesn't match
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8023154: compileAllTests fails with: 2 tests failed to compile
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8022587: ClassCache is not optimal and leaks Source instances
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025163: Date methods should not return -0
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025434: RegExp lastIndex can exceed int range
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025197: String replace method fails with regexp /$/gi
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025486: RegExp constructor arguments are not evaluated in right order
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 2 new changesets
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025589: Array.prototype.shift should only copy defined elements in generic mode
hannes.wallnoefer at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024397: Nashorn FX Libraries need to be finalized.
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024539: FX Libraries update missing file
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8: 14 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/corba: 4 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/hotspot: 70 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxp: 2 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxws: 3 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jdk: 80 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/langtools: 44 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 7 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9: 14 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/corba: 4 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/hotspot: 70 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/jaxp: 2 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/jaxws: 3 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/jdk: 80 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/langtools: 44 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk9/nashorn: 20 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8: 17 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/corba: 5 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/hotspot: 146 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxp: 4 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jaxws: 4 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/jdk: 74 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/langtools: 50 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 10 new changesets
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025689: fx:base.js classes not loading
james.laskey at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024120: Setting __proto__ to null removes the __proto__ property
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024174: Setting __proto__ property in Object literal should be supported
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024255: When a keyword is used as object property name, the property can not be deleted
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024180: Incorrect handling of expression and parent scope in 'with' statements
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024615: Refactor ScriptObjectMirror and JSObject to support external JSObject implementations
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024644: PluggableJSObject.iteratingJSObjectTest fails with jdk8-tl build
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024693: Various minor issues with JSONWriter used by script parser API
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024619: JDBC java.sql.DriverManager is not usable from JS script
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024847: should accept mirror and external JSObjects as array-like objects as well
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024972: for (LeftHandSideExpression in Expression) crashes the compiler
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8024973: Using a different ScriptContext with a CompiledScript results in ScriptException
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025048: true as case label results in ClassCastException
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025080: Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025090: 'while' statement with 'test' using var before being declared in body results in VerifyError
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025111: undefined or null 'with' expression in empty with block should throw TypeError
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025147: Trailing comma is not allowed in JSONArray and JSONObject
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025149: JSON.stringify does not handle 'space' argument as per the spec.
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025312: parseInt should convert 'radix' argument to ToInt32 even if empty string is parsed
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025325: parseFloat does not handle '.' in exponent part
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
- hg: nashorn/jdk8/nashorn: 8025629: load function should support a way to load scripts from classpath
sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Last message date:
Mon Sep 30 14:10:04 PDT 2013
Archived on: Mon Sep 30 14:27:31 PDT 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).