__proto__ implementation does not quite match proposed ES6 spec
A. Sundararajan
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
Wed Sep 18 06:01:28 PDT 2013
Thanks for writing. We are aware of current start of draft spec on this.
But, the issue is that if Object.prototype.__proto__ is the way to
implement, how will setting __proto__ to null or undefined do? If
Object.prototype is not in proto chain of an object, what happens to
__proto__ for such objects?
Current __proto__ impl is more of a fall back for scripts that do use
__proto__. Since there is no definitive spec yet, it is going to be
"wrong" one way or other. If it is finalized by ES6, we'll follow it.
For now, I think we'll leave it "as is".
On Wednesday 18 September 2013 05:54 PM, André Bargull wrote:
> Official support for __proto__ was added recently, but the
> implementation does not quite match the proposed ECMAScript 6
> specification (rev18).
> The current consensus in TC39 is as follows:
> (1) __proto__ in object literals is treated as a special form to set
> the [[Prototype]] internal data property of a new object. It is not
> possible to disable this functionality (*).
> (2) Object.prototype.__proto__ is an accessor property with [[Get]]
> and [[Set]] accessors. Also [[Enumerable]] is false, [[Configurable]]
> is true.
> (*) Previously it was possible to disable it, see ES6 draft rev14.
> Certain details may still change over time when the ES6 spec gets
> finalized, e.g. should `Object.setPrototypeOf(1,null)` throw a
> TypeError because 1 is not an object or should this just perform
> argument checks and then return (as proposed in rev18). Also see
> https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1586 for some recent
> changes on this topic.
> - André
> Current issues for (1):
> 1.1:
> jjs> ({__proto__: (print("first"),{}), a: (print("second"),0)})
> Expected: print "first" and then "second"
> Actual: "second" and then "first"
> 1.2:
> jjs> ({__proto__: null})
> Expected: [[Prototype]] is set to null
> Actual: jjs is terminated (also reproducible with `jjs>
> Object.create(null)`)
> Exception in thread "main" ECMAScript Exception: TypeError: Cannot get
> default string value
> at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.error(ECMAErrors.java:56)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError(ECMAErrors.java:212)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError(ECMAErrors.java:184)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global.getDefaultValue(Global.java:585)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject.getDefaultValue(ScriptObject.java:1243)
> ...
> 1.3:
> jjs> ({__proto__: void 0}).__proto__ === Object.prototype
> Expected: returns true
> Actual: TypeError: undefined is not an Object
> (Only Objects or null are allowed, other types are simply ignored.
> This was changed in rev17 for backward compatibility reasons)
> 1.4:
> jjs> ({__proto__: 0})
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: int is not
> compatible with object
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.MethodEmitter.popType(MethodEmitter.java:235)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.MethodEmitter.fixParamStack(MethodEmitter.java:1109)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.MethodEmitter.invoke(MethodEmitter.java:1128)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.MethodEmitter.invokevirtual(MethodEmitter.java:1168)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants$3.invoke(CompilerConstants.java:394)
> ...
> Current issues for (2):
> 2.1:
> jjs> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, "__proto__")
> Expected: return accessor property descriptor
> Actual: returns undefined
> 2.2:
> jjs> (o = {}, o.__proto__ = void 0, o.__proto__ === Object.prototype)
> Expected: returns true
> Actual: returns false
> (Only Objects or null are allowed, other types are simply ignored.
> This was changed in rev17 for backward compatibility reasons)
> 2.3:
> jjs> (o = {}, o.__proto__ = 0, o)
> Expected: returns o
> Actual: jjs is terminated
> jjs> (o = {}, o.__proto__ = 0, o)
> Exception in thread "main" ECMAScript Exception: TypeError: [object
> Object] is not a Number
> at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.error(ECMAErrors.java:56)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError(ECMAErrors.java:212)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError(ECMAErrors.java:184)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError(ECMAErrors.java:171)
> at
> jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeNumber.getNumberValue(NativeNumber.java:341)
> ...
> 2.4:
> jjs> 12["__proto__"] === Number.prototype
> Expected: returns true
> Actual: returns false
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