Review request for 8011697: ScriptEngine "js" randomly means either "rhino" or "nashorn", but should instead select one

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Wed Sep 18 23:34:59 PDT 2013


Few comments on this:

1) This is a JDK repo (where javax.script lives) change and so 
core-libs-dev review is needed
2) Not sure if it affects any word on spec. - need to go through spec + 
javadoc comments closely
3) You need a test that demonstrates that order is preserved

Hope this helps,

On Thursday 19 September 2013 11:43 AM, Andreas Rieber wrote:
> Hi,
> the HashSet used for the script engine factories caused the random 
> behaviour.
> Bug:
> Webrev:
> Please review and sponsor required...
> thanks
> Andreas

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