And more conformance bugs (hg tip fa491b75d3e4)

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Fri Sep 20 06:22:45 PDT 2013

Thanks for reporting these! I'll file another umbrella bug.

PS. Many of the tests (not in this - but previous lists) use 
Function("..."). Few tests that I checked don't seem to need Function 
call at all. Is that a matter of style or you reproduced most issues 
only with Function call?


On Friday 20 September 2013 06:33 PM, André Bargull wrote:
> Some more compliance issues... :(
> - André
> jjs> JSON.parse('{"a":0,"b":1}', function(p,v){print("p:"+p+"-"+v); 
> if(p=="a"){this.b = Object.create({c:0})} return v})
> Expected: property "c" not visited
> Actual: property "c" visited
> jjs> JSON.parse('{"a":0,"b":1}', function(p,v){print("p:"+p+"-"+v); 
> if(p=="a"){var arr=[123]; arr.x = 456; this.b=arr} return v})
> Expected: property "x" not visited
> Actual: property "x" visited
> jjs> JSON.parse('{"a":0,"b":1}', function(p,v){print("p:"+p+"-"+v); 
> if(p=="a"){ this.b = {get x(){print("456"); return null}, set 
> x(_){print("whoa")}} } return v})
> Expected: "whoa" not printed
> Actual: "whoa" printed
> jjs> JSON.parse('{"a":0,"b":1}', function(p,v){print("p:"+p+"-"+v); 
> if(p=="a"){ 
> this.b=Object.defineProperty({},"0",{value:123,enumerable:1}) } return 
> (p!="0"?v:456) }).b[0]
> Expected: returns 123
> Actual: returns 456
> jjs> JSON.stringify({get x(){print("getter called")}}, ["x", "x"])
> Expected: "getter called" appears once
> Actual: "getter called" appears twice
> jjs> JSON.parse('[0,]')
> Expected: JSON SyntaxError
> Actual: No SyntaxError
> jjs> JSON.parse('{"a":0,}')
> Expected: JSON SyntaxError
> Actual: No SyntaxError
> jjs> JSON.stringify({},[],new Number(Infinity))
> Expected: no ClassCastException
> Actual: ClassCastException thrown
> jjs> JSON.stringify({},[],(n = new Number(0), n.valueOf = 
> function(){throw "blubb"}, n))
> Expected: "blubb" is thrown
> Actual: no exception
> jjs> JSON.stringify({},[],(n = new String(""), n.toString = 
> function(){throw "blubb"}, n))
> Expected: "blubb" is thrown
> Actual: no exception
> jjs> (function f(a){ Object.defineProperty(arguments,"0",{get 
> value(){print("arrrgh")}})  })(0)
> Expected: "arrrgh" printed once
> Actual: "arrrgh" printed twice
> jjs> new 
> RegExp({toString:function(){print("str1")}},{toString:function(){print("str2")}})
> Expected: "str1" and then "str2"
> Actual: "str2" and then "str1"
> jjs> new RegExp(/asdf/, {toString:function(){throw "blubb"}})
> Expected: throw TypError instead of "blubb"
> Actual: "blubb" is thrown
> jjs> "use strict"; 
> Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty(/a/.exec("a"),"0",{configurable:0}), 
> "length", {value:0}).length
> Expected: throws TypeError
> Actual: returns 0
> jjs> try{Object.defineProperty(a=[],"length",{writable:false, 
> value:-1})}catch(e){}
> Expected(?): a can still perform bulk ops
> Actual: IS_LENGTH_NOT_WRITABLE flag is set for a
> jjs> (function(a){ Object.defineProperty(arguments,"0",{get 
> configurable(){a=3; return true}, get:function(){return 2}}); return 
> [a,arguments[0]] })(0)
> Expected: returns array [3,2]
> Actual: returns array [0, 3]
> jjs> 
> Object.defineProperties(Object.defineProperty({},"a",{configurable:false}),{get 
> a(){print("a");return{get value(){return 0}}},get 
> b(){print("b");return{}}})
> Expected: prints "a" and "b" then throws TypeError
> Actual: prints "a" then throws TypeError
> jjs> Object.defineProperty({},"foo",{get configurable(){print("get 
> configurable")}, get value(){print("get value")}, get get(){print("get 
> get")}})
> Expected: prints "get configurable", "get value", "get get" and then 
> TypeError
> Actual: immediately throws TypeError
> jjs> [1,2,3].splice(0)
> Expected: returns [1,2,3] for web compat
> Actual: returns []
> Some
> jjs> "0" in{length: 1}), 0, 1)
> Expected: returns false
> Actual: returns true
> jjs> [0].map(function(){ return this === (1,eval)("this") }, null)
> Expected: returns [true]
> Actual: returns [false]
> jjs> Object.defineProperty(Boolean.prototype, "length", 
> {configurable:true, get:function(){obj=this; return 1}})[0] = "blubb"
> jjs>, 
> function(a,b,i,o){print("same:"+(obj===o))}, 0)
> Expected: prints "same:true"
> Actual: prints "same:false"
> jjs> Object.defineProperty({},"",{get writable(){print("w")}, get 
> enumerable(){print("e")}, get configurable(){print("c")}, get 
> value(){print("v")}})
> Expected: order is "e c v w"
> Actual: order is "c e w v"
> jjs> Object.defineProperty({},"",{get enumerable(){print("e")}, get 
> configurable(){print("c")}})
> Expected: order is "e c"
> Actual: order is "c e"
> jjs> Object.defineProperty({},"",{get enumerable(){print("e")}, get 
> configurable(){print("c")}, get get(){print("g")}, get 
> set(){print("s")}})
> Expected: order is "e c g s"
> Actual: order is "c e g s"
> jjs> Object.defineProperty([], "length", 
> {value:{valueOf:function(){Object.prototype.get = 0; return 0}}})
> Expected: no TypeError
> Actual: throws TypeError
> jjs> Object.defineProperty(a=[1,2,3], "length", 
> {value:{valueOf:function(){a[5] = 0; Object.seal(a); return 3}}})
> Expected: TypeError is thrown
> Actual: no TypeError
> jjs> Object.defineProperty(a=[0], "length", 
> {value:{valueOf:function(){Object.defineProperty(a,1,{get:function(){return 
> -1}}); return 1}}})[1]
> Expected: throw TypeError
> Actual: returns -1 and array invariant violation
> jjs> Object.prototype.get = 0; Object.defineProperty([],0,{__proto__: 
> null, value:1})
> Expected: returns array [1]
> Actual: TypeError is thrown
> jjs> 
> Object.defineProperty([],"length",{value:{valueOf:function(){print("asdf"); 
> return 0}}}).length
> Expected: print "asdf" twice
> Actual: "asdf" is printed only once
> jjs> def = function(o,i){return 
> Object.defineProperty(o,i,{configurable:true, 
> get:function(){print("getter:"+i); o.length=0; return void 0}})}
> jjs> def(def([1,2,3],0),1).concat([])
> Expected: don't print "getter:1"
> Actual: "getter:1" is printed
> jjs> def = function(o,i){return 
> Object.defineProperty(o,i,{configurable:true, 
> get:function(){o.length=0; return void 0}})}
> jjs> "1" in def(def([1,2,3],0),1).concat([])
> Expected: returns false
> Acual: returns true
> jjs> 
> Expected(?): don't swallow ClassCastExceptions and 
> NullPointerExceptions in Array.prototype.pop et al.
> Actual: throws a TypeError
> jjs> []{length:2, 0:0}); "0" in o
> Expected: returns false
> Actual: returns true
> jjs> "0" in []{length:1})
> Expected: returns false
> Actual: returns true
> jjs> 
> Object.defineProperty([],0,{get:function(){print("ggett")}}).unshift(1)
> Expected: "ggett" printed and then TypeError thrown
> Actual: returns 2
> jjs> [].indexOf(null, {valueOf:function(){throw "not reached"}})
> Expected: returns -1
> Actual: throws "not reached"
> jjs> 
> {valueOf:function(){print("valueOf")}})
> Expected: first "toStr" and then "valueOf" printed
> Actual: "valueOf" and then "toStr" printed
> jjs> 
>{toString:function(){print("toStr")}}, {valueOf:function(){print("valueOf")}}) 
> Expected: first "toStr" and then "valueOf" printed
> Actual: "valueOf" and then "toStr" printed
> jjs> "aa aa".match(/\b/g).length
> Expected: returns 4
> Actual: returns 6
> (Note: spec bug
> jjs> "aa aa".replace(/\b/g, "c")
> Expected: returns "caac caac"
> Actual: returns "caacc caacc"
> (Note: spec bug
> NativeString#splitString(), line 884: Why LinkedList instead of 
> ArrayList?
> jjs> "ababab".replace(/b/g, function(){return RegExp.leftContext})
> Expected: returns "aaaabaaababa" (web compat)
> Actual: returns "aaa"
> jjs> (r = /a/g, r.lastIndex = 0x100000000, r).test("a")
> Expected: returns false
> Actual: returns true
> jjs> parseFloat("2e2.")
> Expected: returns 200
> Actual: returns NaN
> jjs> parseInt("", {valueOf:function(){throw "blubb"}})
> Expected: throws "blubb"
> Actual: returns NaN
> jjs> parseInt("12345678901234567890", 10)+""
> Expected: 12345678901234567000
> Actual:   12345678901234570000
> jjs> (function f(){return eval("arguments"); var arguments})(); 
> (function f(){return eval("arguments"); function arguments(){}})();
> jjs> (function (){return eval("arguments"); var arguments})(); 
> (function (){return eval("arguments"); function arguments(){}})();
> java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast 
> jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO1P0 to jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO2P0
> (Execute both lines after each other in a fresh shell)
> Expected: return `function arguments(){}` for both lines
> Actual: first lines returns undefined and then ClassCastException

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