Get nashron work in opnjdk8

ninghua at ninghua at
Wed Sep 16 07:12:23 UTC 2015

Rhino should be removed in OpenJDK8? What's your OpenJDK version?

Quoting Harsha Kumara <harsz89 at>:

> Hi!
> I had tried to run some performance tests.But results are not impressive
> than I thought.I have build openjdk8 and set JAVA_HOME to it.Then I have
> build nashron.But when I run the jrunscript -q it still show the rhino as
> underline javascript engine.Then how can I configure it to use nashron?
> Thanks!
> --
> *Harsha Kumara*
> *Undergraduate*
> *Department of Computer Science and Engineering*
> *University of Moratuwa*
> *Sri Lanka.*

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