Get nashron work in opnjdk8

Sundararajan Athijegannathan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Wed Sep 16 08:27:26 UTC 2015

Rhino was never in openjdk code (even in jdk7). It was always in 
"closed" code. And it was removed in jdk8.  You may want to check your 
java version. If you run jdk8 java, you're running Nashorn engine.

$ jrunscript -q

should print something like:

Language ECMAScript ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1 implementation "Oracle 
Nashorn" 1.8.0_60


On 9/16/2015 12:42 PM, ninghua at wrote:
> Rhino should be removed in OpenJDK8? What's your OpenJDK version?
> Regards,
> Quoting Harsha Kumara <harsz89 at>:
>> Hi!
>> I had tried to run some performance tests.But results are not impressive
>> than I thought.I have build openjdk8 and set JAVA_HOME to it.Then I have
>> build nashron.But when I run the jrunscript -q it still show the 
>> rhino as
>> underline javascript engine.Then how can I configure it to use nashron?
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> *Harsha Kumara*
>> *Undergraduate*
>> *Department of Computer Science and Engineering*
>> *University of Moratuwa*
>> *Sri Lanka.*

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