Review request for JDK-8134490: Dead var statement evacuation incorrectly descends into nested functions

Marcus Lagergren marcus at
Fri Sep 25 14:21:34 UTC 2015

Nice. +1

> On 24 Sep 2015, at 17:16, Attila Szegedi <attila.szegedi at> wrote:
> Please review JDK-8134490 "Dead var statement evacuation incorrectly descends into nested functions" at <> for <>
> The essential change is the enterFunctionNode in Lower that returns false to avoid descending into nested functions.
> The change in FindScopeDepths is actually a code tightening; I was poking in there for the bug first, and I realized that it can be streamlined; !compiler.isOnDemandCompilation is always true, and instead of using enterDefault with instanceof IdentNode we can just use enterIdentNode…
> Thanks,
>  Attila.

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