Patch for javac project definition

Jesse Glick jesse.glick at
Mon Jul 9 15:40:45 PDT 2007

Dave Bristor wrote:
>> ---%<--- j2se/make/netbeans/compiler/nbproject/private/
>> run.javac.opts=-some -options -here -and /one/
> Since j2se/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml already has "javac.options" 
> I'll likely change the name of that to "".

Whatever you like, but note that the new property is not at all 
analogous to javac.options: any project uses javac.options to compile 
itself, whereas this property is a set of demo arguments to pass to the 
program - which just happens to be javac. Maybe a less confusing name 
would be "run.args" or similar.

> As an aside, note that you could also set that property in one of the 
> properties files mentioned in j2se/make/netbeans/README.

Sure, though I think the location I suggested is most sensible: the 
property only applies to the compiler project, it should not be 
versioned (shared with others), and it is transient (not valuable enough 
to worry about its being deleted if you get a fresh checkout of sources).


jesse.glick at

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