Patch for javac project definition

Dave Bristor David.Bristor at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 11 14:26:27 PDT 2007

Jesse Glick wrote:
> Dave Bristor wrote:
>>> ---%<--- j2se/make/netbeans/compiler/nbproject/private/
>>> run.javac.opts=-some -options -here -and /one/
>> Since j2se/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml already has "javac.options" 
>> I'll likely change the name of that to "".
> Whatever you like, but note that the new property is not at all 
> analogous to javac.options: any project uses javac.options to compile 
> itself, whereas this property is a set of demo arguments to pass to the 
> program - which just happens to be javac. Maybe a less confusing name 
> would be "run.args" or similar.

You're right, so I changed it to keeps the javac-ness of it as 
a prefix (as with other javac-related options), and the notion that these are 
args for running the compiler.

Could you review the webrev?



>> As an aside, note that you could also set that property in one of the 
>> properties files mentioned in j2se/make/netbeans/README.
> Sure, though I think the location I suggested is most sensible: the 
> property only applies to the compiler project, it should not be 
> versioned (shared with others), and it is transient (not valuable enough 
> to worry about its being deleted if you get a fresh checkout of sources).
> -J.

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