Getting Started with OpenJDK in NetBeans IDE?

Dave Bristor David.Bristor at Sun.COM
Tue Jul 17 10:16:35 PDT 2007

Peter B. West wrote:
> Dave Bristor wrote:
>>Hi Peter,
>>Peter B. West wrote:
>>>I've reposted your reply to the nbusers message I posted.
>>>I was using NB 5.5.1. The page at
>>>doesn't mention that. It links to NB6M9 (not M10), but if you already
>>>have NB installed you're not going to follow that link.
>>I'll see about having the get-and-build page updated to explicitly
>>mention that NB6 is required.
>>>I've now installed M10, and the projects are visible.
>>>I wrote and tested (in another package space) an implementation of RFE
>>>6410729 Add BitSet.previousClearBit, previousSetBit and posted the
>>>results in the JDK-collaboration/dev forum on 2007-05-06, but have had
>>>no responses. I think I must be missing something in the procedure for
>>>handling these things. Advice on this would be appreciated.
>>The "contribute" page at
>>should steer you in the right direction.  core-libs-dev at
>>might be the right list.
>>>I seem to have lost the description of setting up personal NetBeans
>>>projects within JDK7. I recall a discussion of cloning and modifying one
>>>of the existing projects when setting up a Java-only project, and the
>>>example used was Collections. That's exactly what I need; in fact, a
>>>subset of Collections. Can you point me in the right direction for doing
>>    j2se/make/netbeans/README
>>in the openjdk source bundle.
> Dave,
> Thanks for the input. I have followed the instructions in
> j2se/make/netbeans/README an created a collections project. Note that
> the collections/ file included:
> includes=\
>     java/util/, \
> excludes=\
>     java/util/,\
>     java/util/jar/,\
>     java/util/logging/,\
>     java/util/prefs/,\
>     java/util/regex/,\
>     java/util/spi/,\
>     java/util/zip/,\
>     **/*
> as per the README. However, the build failed, trying to compile
> * files.
> I modified the "includes" to:
> includes=\
>     java/util/
>  (i.e. I removed the trailing ", \") and the build proceeded.

Thanks for pointing that out; I'll fix it.

> Before getting to that point, and thinking I might need to do a prebuild
> of j2se, I tried that from a terminal. At the moment, that build is not
> working because, in spite of what the docs say, the build requires not
> only the openmotif header files, but the libs as well. The openmotif
> libs I have installed are too recent, so it looks as though I will have
> to build a set an install them in a non-standard place if I need to
> build the jdk. Haven't sorted that one out yet.

The motif requirements are different for different OSs; cf the Ubuntu 6.06 v. 
7.04 notes; in particular that the latter does have motif dependencies (though 
I'm not sure this will resolve your problem without knowing more about your 
build environment/platform).  I just checked my kubuntu 6.10 box, and seem to 
have headers+libs; YMMV.


> Thanks

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