Testing partial builds with jtreg

Dave Bristor David.Bristor at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 18 17:00:41 PDT 2007

Hi Peter,

First, thanks again for pointing out the typo in make/netbeans/README as 
regards the Collections project.  I just went through it, and found a couple 
other in the changed build.xml:

* In the jar task, remove the indication of the manifest file.
* In the jar task's fileset, what should be excluded is listed incorrectly as
         <exclude name="Calendar*.class"/>
and it should be
         <exclude name="java/util/Calendar*.class"/>

Now about running the test: I'm not certain what problems you're having.  I'm 
able to run tests, e.g.:

% ant -Djtreg.tests=java/util/LinkedList/Remove.java test

This runs just that one test.  Without the -D... it runs all tests on that 
project, which runs 60 tests.  Right away I see an Error in 
CheckForComodification but looking at the test's source I see @ignore which 
means this is OK.  The remaining tests pass.  Running the tests from NetBeans 
gives the same results.

Just taking a couple guesses here re your test: your new test should be in 
j2se/test/java/util/BitSet, be a public class, and have a public static void 
main(String[] args).  Take a look at the other tests for examples.


Peter B. West wrote:
> I'm trying to build and test a single file from Collections, namely
> BitSet.java. I've constructed what I think is a valid nbproject which
> builds the file and creates a jar with that file only.
> How do I run jtreg tests against it? Simply running the unchanged tests
> fails, so the tests are presumably not running against anything
> (including the bootstrap jdk) that includes the BitSet class.

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