javac CRASH

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 11 08:59:52 PDT 2009


Your settings for and look OK.

The intent of the build is that while building the bootstrap compiler,  
the settings for boot.javac.source and should be  
active and these are correctly set to 6 in langtools/make/  I will investigate why these might not be in use  
later today, when I have easy access to a Windows machine.

Separately, I also note that the intent is that you should not *need*  
to edit langtools/make/, although it is not incorrect  
to do so. But, it can lead to accidents if you might be committing and  
pushing changes.   To minimize that risk, you can provide/override  
values in a number of ways:
-- on the Ant command line (if you invoke Ant directly)
-- in NetBeans, in the Properties box under Tools> Options>  
Miscellaneous> Ant
-- in a new unmanaged file langtools/ (note no make/  
-- in ${user.home}/.openjdk/
-- in ${user.home}/.openjdk/
The last two choices allow you to set values to be shared by multiple  

There is no make/ in the jdk/ repository because that  
repository uses "make" instead of "ant" for building.   To build the  
jdk repository, you will need either MKS or Cygwin installed on your  
system. For more info, see the notes on the OpenJDK web pages. There  
are NetBeans projects for selected parts of the jdk/ to make it easy  
to work on small subsystems. However, I don't believe those (NetBeans)  
projects are being actively maintained at this point. [This does not  
apply to the langtools/ files. ]

-- Jon

On Aug 11, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:

> Jon,
> that would be great.
> I've found out a solution, but I'm not sure, if this is as designed.  
> In path_to_jdk7_sources\langtools\make\ I set:
> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.6.0_14
> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
> javac.source = 6
> = 6
> I'm wondering, that there is no ...\make\ file in tl/ 
> jdk tree.
> Maybe you like to have a look on ...\make\netbeans\charset\* in my  
> patch for ?
> -Ulf
> Am 11.08.2009 16:49, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
>> Rémi,
>> Thanks for the heads up. I'll check this out.  It is still the case  
>> that you should only need 1.6 to build langtools.
>> -- Jon
>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:
>>> Le 11/08/2009 11:06, Ulf Zibis a écrit :
>>>> Jonathan,
>>>> thanks for additional help.
>>>> Now I tried:
>>>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\langtools\make>"C:\Programme\Java\NetBeans  
>>>> 6.7.1\java2\ant\
>>>> bin\ant"
>>> I've noticed that.
>>> You have to run ant with jdk7.
>>> JAVA_HOME=C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
>>> ant
>>> Jon, it seems the ant build script need be updated because
>>> we are not able to compile with jdk6 anymore.
>>> The bootstrap javac/javap/etc should be built with -source 1.6 - 
>>> target 1.6.
>>> Rémi

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