javac CRASH

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Tue Aug 11 14:58:05 PDT 2009


thanks for 1st clarification.

I have
in ${user.home}/.openjdk/ instead of 
Why 2 different names for the same thing?
So I guess, settings for boot.javac.source and should 
be better located in ${user.home}/.openjdk/, 
than in
${user.home}/.openjdk/ ?

For NetBeans "Clean and Build" settings for boot.javac.source and in ${user.home}/.openjdk/* don't seem 
to be necessary, and regrettably settings for:
    javac.source = 6 = 6
don't work, either in 
make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/private/ I had to 
set them in

I'm not happy to use NetBeans Properties box under Tools> Options> 
Miscellaneous> Ant, because those settings are for ALL NetBeans projects.
IMO best location would be: 
make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/private/ In 
make/netbeans/langtools/build.xml they should be loaded before:
    <import file="../../build.xml"/>
Please add NetBeans project specific hints in make/

Am 11.08.2009 17:59, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
> Ulf,
> Your settings for and look OK.
> The intent of the build is that while building the bootstrap compiler, 
> the settings for boot.javac.source and should be 
> active and these are correctly set to 6 in 
> langtools/make/  I will investigate why these might 
> not be in use later today, when I have easy access to a Windows machine.
> Separately, I also note that the intent is that you should not *need* 
> to edit langtools/make/, although it is not incorrect 
> to do so. But, it can lead to accidents if you might be committing and 
> pushing changes.   To minimize that risk, you can provide/override 
> values in a number of ways:
> -- on the Ant command line (if you invoke Ant directly)
> -- in NetBeans, in the Properties box under Tools> Options> 
> Miscellaneous> Ant
> -- in a new unmanaged file langtools/ (note no make/ 
> component)
> -- in ${user.home}/.openjdk/
> -- in ${user.home}/.openjdk/
> The last two choices allow you to set values to be shared by multiple 
> repositories.

Thanks for those valuable hints.
I would like to see those explicitly in make/


> There is no make/ in the jdk/ repository because that 
> repository uses "make" instead of "ant" for building.   To build the 
> jdk repository, you will need either MKS or Cygwin installed on your 
> system. For more info, see the notes on the OpenJDK web pages. There 
> are NetBeans projects for selected parts of the jdk/ to make it easy 
> to work on small subsystems. However, I don't believe those (NetBeans) 
> projects are being actively maintained at this point. [This does not 
> apply to the langtools/ files. ]
> -- Jon
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Jon,
>> that would be great.
>> I've found out a solution, but I'm not sure, if this is as designed. 
>> In path_to_jdk7_sources\langtools\make\ I set:
>> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.6.0_14
>> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
>> javac.source = 6
>> = 6
>> I'm wondering, that there is no ...\make\ file in 
>> tl/jdk tree.
>> Maybe you like to have a look on ...\make\netbeans\charset\* in my 
>> patch for ?
>> -Ulf
>> Am 11.08.2009 16:49, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
>>> Rémi,
>>> Thanks for the heads up. I'll check this out.  It is still the case 
>>> that you should only need 1.6 to build langtools.
>>> -- Jon
>>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:
>>>> Le 11/08/2009 11:06, Ulf Zibis a écrit :
>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>> thanks for additional help.
>>>>> Now I tried:
>>>>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\langtools\make>"C:\Programme\Java\NetBeans 
>>>>> 6.7.1\java2\ant\
>>>>> bin\ant"
>>>> I've noticed that.
>>>> You have to run ant with jdk7.
>>>> JAVA_HOME=C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
>>>> ant
>>>> Jon, it seems the ant build script need be updated because
>>>> we are not able to compile with jdk6 anymore.
>>>> The bootstrap javac/javap/etc should be built with -source 1.6 
>>>> -target 1.6.
>>>> Rémi

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