javac CRASH

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 11 15:23:45 PDT 2009

Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Jon,
> thanks for 1st clarification.
> I have
>    bootstrap.jdk=C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
> in ${user.home}/.openjdk/ instead of 
> Why 2 different names for the same thing?

The NetBeans projects in the jdk/ repository were written by a different 
person who has since left Sun.  As far as I know, no-one is looking 
after those projects at this point.  I cannot speak to their contents.

> So I guess, settings for boot.javac.source and 
> should be better located in 
> ${user.home}/.openjdk/, than in
> ${user.home}/.openjdk/ ?
Yes, that would seem best.

> For NetBeans "Clean and Build" settings for boot.javac.source and 
> in ${user.home}/.openjdk/* don't 
> seem to be necessary, and regrettably settings for:
>    javac.source = 6
> = 6
> don't work, either in 
> make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/private/ I had 
> to set them in

This morning, we identified and fixed an issue with the setting of 
javac.bootclasspath in the langtools/make/build.xml file.   A fix has 
been pushed to the TL/ family of repositories. This should fix being 
able to build langtools with JDK 6, so no additional changes to 
javac.source and should be necessary.

> I'm not happy to use NetBeans Properties box under Tools> Options> 
> Miscellaneous> Ant, because those settings are for ALL NetBeans projects.
Noted.  I mostly work on copies of the langtools repository so setting 
values there works OK for me.  I accept this may not work for everyone.

> IMO best location would be: 
> make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/private/ In 
> make/netbeans/langtools/build.xml they should be loaded before:
>    <import file="../../build.xml"/>

This would only work if you are using NetBeans all the time.

> Please add NetBeans project specific hints in make/
> ...
There should not need to be any NetBeans project specific hints, because 
you can configure and use make/build.xml and make/ with 
Ant directly, without using NetBeans.

Please bear in mind that some of this issues you have been fighting have 
been caused by a mistake in make/build.xml, for which I apologise.   For 
the most part, you should just have to set to build 
langtools, and and jtreg.home if you want to run the tests.

-- Jon

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