Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Mercurial - Please help!

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Tue Mar 24 15:55:46 PDT 2009

Hi All,

I've downloaded the b51 snapshot sources. I see some .hg* files, but can't get connected to the 
OpenJDK repository

How to make this a working Mercurial Working Copy?

Please see my problem in the attachment.

I thought, the hg support from NetBeans didn't work, because the local .hg repository wasn't 
existent, so I created it by "Create Repository". After this, I think, I should commit the WC files 
into it, but I hesitate, because I don't want to have an additional 250 MB copy of the whole jdk on 
my harddisk. I have to be economic with diskspace (60 GB). I would be happy, if there would be a 
way, only to push the parts in the repository which I'm working on (sun.nio.cs). Do you have some 
hint, how to solve this problem? Does it work, if I only commit the folder, which I'm working on?
I also did a clone of which created folder "jdk". This clone 
only contained some few make files, so I don't know what to do with it.

Alan said, I should use fclone. I don't see how to invoke fclone from NetBeans. Also I don't find 
any information about fclone on

Additionally I've installed TortoiseHG.

Thanks in advance,


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