Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Mercurial - Please help!

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 25 11:16:40 PDT 2009

If you are going to use Mercurial I would highly advise reading the
Mercurial Book at
at least the first few chapters. It's nothing like SVN.

OpenJDK is a forest of repositories. A small top repository
and up to 6 sub repositories.
You can work with a partial forest, e.g. the top repository
and just one of the sub repositories, like 'jdk' or 'langtools'.
It depends on what you are trying to do.

But there is no concept of a partial repository or being able to
just work with and commit to a subset of the larger jdk repository,
Mercurial just doesn't have that feature and most people have learned
to live without it, with little pain. I myself prefer that Mercurial
NOT have this ability, it creates too many variations and risks.

If you haven't got enough room for a jdk repository (0.5Gb?), you probably
shouldn't be working on it with that machine.

The forest extension (fclone) is talked about here:

Also see:

NetBeans may not work horribly well with a forest (or a nested
repository situation), but my NetBeans experience is just on one
repository at a time.


Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've downloaded the b51 snapshot sources. I see some .hg* files, but 
> can't get connected to the OpenJDK repository
> How to make this a working Mercurial Working Copy?
> Please see my problem in the attachment.
> I thought, the hg support from NetBeans didn't work, because the local 
> .hg repository wasn't existent, so I created it by "Create Repository". 
> After this, I think, I should commit the WC files into it, but I 
> hesitate, because I don't want to have an additional 250 MB copy of the 
> whole jdk on my harddisk. I have to be economic with diskspace (60 GB). 
> I would be happy, if there would be a way, only to push the parts in the 
> repository which I'm working on (sun.nio.cs). Do you have some hint, how 
> to solve this problem? Does it work, if I only commit the folder, which 
> I'm working on?
> I also did a clone of which created 
> folder "jdk". This clone only contained some few make files, so I don't 
> know what to do with it.
> Alan said, I should use fclone. I don't see how to invoke fclone from 
> NetBeans. Also I don't find any information about fclone on 
> Additionally I've installed TortoiseHG.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ulf
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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