Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Please help!

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Tue Mar 24 16:01:38 PDT 2009

Am 23.03.2009 15:10, Alan Bateman schrieb:
> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> :
>> Thanks Alan.
>> I hesitated to post to nb-projects-dev at, because 
>> there was no traffic since August 2008. But I'll give it a try.
>> The error annotations in NetBeans for JConsole project, I guess, are 
>> result of a NB bug, because the build runs without error.
> AFAIK, there are two compilers in NetBeans. A "standard" javac that is 
> used for the full builds and a patched version that runs while you 
> edit. If I understand your screenshot then your issue is with the 
> latter. Someone more familiar with the environment may know how to 
> configure it and  I'm sure someone on nb-projects-dev will be able to 
> help.
>> The hg support from NetBeans didn't work, because the local .hg 
>> repository wasn't existent, so I created it by "Create Repository". 
>> After this, I think, I should commit the WC into it, but I hesitate, 
>> because I don't want to have an additional 250 MB copy of the whole 
>> jdk on my harddisk. I have to be economic with diskspace. I would be 
>> happy, if there would be a way, only to push the parts in the 
>> repository which I'm working on. Do you have some hint, how to solve 
>> this problem? Does it work, if I only commit the folder, which I'm 
>> working on?
>> I also did a clone of This 
>> clone only contained some few make files, so I don't know what to do 
>> with it.
> OpenJDK uses the forest extension so to get all the repositories you 
> need to "fclone" jdk7/jdk7 (not "clone"). However, if disk space is a 
> problem and it sounds like you are only interested in the jdk 
> repository then you could clone jdk7/jdk7/jdk. You might want to read 
> through the developers guide to get familiar with the trees in the 
> forest. Once you have a clone then you shouldn't need to "Create 
> Repository" (which I assume is the GUI equivalent of "hg init"). I 
> don't know if it possible to work with partial repositories but 
> Mercurial seems to be very efficient in storage terms.
> -Alan.

"Mercurial seems to be very efficient in storage terms" , but as I 
understand write, diskspace for the local repository (which includes all 
history) can't be smaller as the WC itself.


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