Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Please help!

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 25 12:34:47 PDT 2009

Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Am 23.03.2009 15:10, Alan Bateman schrieb:
>> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>> :
>>> Thanks Alan.
>>> I hesitated to post to nb-projects-dev at, because 
>>> there was no traffic since August 2008. But I'll give it a try.
>>> The error annotations in NetBeans for JConsole project, I guess, are 
>>> result of a NB bug, because the build runs without error.
>> AFAIK, there are two compilers in NetBeans. A "standard" javac that is 
>> used for the full builds and a patched version that runs while you 
>> edit. If I understand your screenshot then your issue is with the 
>> latter. Someone more familiar with the environment may know how to 
>> configure it and  I'm sure someone on nb-projects-dev will be able to 
>> help.
>>> The hg support from NetBeans didn't work, because the local .hg 
>>> repository wasn't existent, so I created it by "Create Repository". 
>>> After this, I think, I should commit the WC into it, but I hesitate, 
>>> because I don't want to have an additional 250 MB copy of the whole 
>>> jdk on my harddisk. I have to be economic with diskspace. I would be 
>>> happy, if there would be a way, only to push the parts in the 
>>> repository which I'm working on. Do you have some hint, how to solve 
>>> this problem? Does it work, if I only commit the folder, which I'm 
>>> working on?
>>> I also did a clone of This 
>>> clone only contained some few make files, so I don't know what to do 
>>> with it.
>> OpenJDK uses the forest extension so to get all the repositories you 
>> need to "fclone" jdk7/jdk7 (not "clone"). However, if disk space is a 
>> problem and it sounds like you are only interested in the jdk 
>> repository then you could clone jdk7/jdk7/jdk. You might want to read 
>> through the developers guide to get familiar with the trees in the 
>> forest. Once you have a clone then you shouldn't need to "Create 
>> Repository" (which I assume is the GUI equivalent of "hg init"). I 
>> don't know if it possible to work with partial repositories but 
>> Mercurial seems to be very efficient in storage terms.
>> -Alan.
> "Mercurial seems to be very efficient in storage terms" , but as I 
> understand write, diskspace for the local repository (which includes all 
> history) can't be smaller as the WC itself.

My jdk repository

<44> du -k -s .hg
110796	.hg

<45> du -k -s .
340236	.

The working set files take up 230Mb, the repository data only 110Mb
because it is compressed.

You are always free to trim and cut out large parts of the working set
files, they are 'working set files', you just have to be careful that
Mercurial doesn't bring them all back when you run 'hg update'.
Also, if you ask Mercurial with a 'hg status' it will indicate that
there are missing files and may expect you to bring them back
with an 'hg update' or tell Mercurial that you want to remove them
with an 'hg rm', and the 'hg rm' would be a major mistake.


> -Ulf

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