Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Mercurial - Please help!

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Mar 25 14:33:16 PDT 2009

Hi Kelly,

thanks for your answer.

-- Thanks to Alan, finding somebody for answer.

Look my working set in the attachment, downloaded from (build b51).
- .hgtags contains entries up to jdk7-b50
I additionally have downloaded tip.tar.bz2 from
- .hgtags additionally contains entry for jdk7-b51
So, what should I do next?

Should I create local repository ".hg", and commit my working set to it, 
maybe first deleting corba etc. folders?
... or should I better extract my working set from tip.tar.bz2

On I read, 
I should install the Forest Extension.

On I read:
    Download site: public development repository 
<>. (There's a newer version 
<> that should 
work against post-1.0 releases.)
I've downloaded the "newer version", which simply contains 
hgforest-crew-872a57531db6.out. What should I do with that, so I have 
"installed" it?
See my Mercurial install dir in attachment. (TortoiseHG is said to 
contain command line Mercurial 1.2.1)

On I see, that there is a fix for Fix for 
Mercurial 1.2, but I don't know if it's included in "newer version".

Thanks in advance for additional help.


Am 25.03.2009 19:16, Kelly O'Hair schrieb:
> If you are going to use Mercurial I would highly advise reading the
> Mercurial Book at
> at least the first few chapters. It's nothing like SVN.
> OpenJDK is a forest of repositories. A small top repository
> and up to 6 sub repositories.
> You can work with a partial forest, e.g. the top repository
> and just one of the sub repositories, like 'jdk' or 'langtools'.
> It depends on what you are trying to do.
> But there is no concept of a partial repository or being able to
> just work with and commit to a subset of the larger jdk repository,
> Mercurial just doesn't have that feature and most people have learned
> to live without it, with little pain. I myself prefer that Mercurial
> NOT have this ability, it creates too many variations and risks.
> If you haven't got enough room for a jdk repository (0.5Gb?), you 
> probably
> shouldn't be working on it with that machine.
> The forest extension (fclone) is talked about here:
> Also see:
> NetBeans may not work horribly well with a forest (or a nested
> repository situation), but my NetBeans experience is just on one
> repository at a time.
> -kto
> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've downloaded the b51 snapshot sources. I see some .hg* files, but 
>> can't get connected to the OpenJDK repository
>> How to make this a working Mercurial Working Copy?
>> Please see my problem in the attachment.
>> I thought, the hg support from NetBeans didn't work, because the 
>> local .hg repository wasn't existent, so I created it by "Create 
>> Repository". After this, I think, I should commit the WC files into 
>> it, but I hesitate, because I don't want to have an additional 250 MB 
>> copy of the whole jdk on my harddisk. I have to be economic with 
>> diskspace (60 GB). I would be happy, if there would be a way, only to 
>> push the parts in the repository which I'm working on (sun.nio.cs). 
>> Do you have some hint, how to solve this problem? Does it work, if I 
>> only commit the folder, which I'm working on?
>> I also did a clone of which 
>> created folder "jdk". This clone only contained some few make files, 
>> so I don't know what to do with it.
>> Alan said, I should use fclone. I don't see how to invoke fclone from 
>> NetBeans. Also I don't find any information about fclone on 
>> Additionally I've installed TortoiseHG.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ulf
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