Setup OpenJDK Netbeans project - Mercurial - Please help!

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Fri Mar 27 15:05:35 PDT 2009

Am 27.03.2009 17:25, Kelly O'Hair schrieb:
> I'm not a TortoiseHg user and don't do much direct development on 
> Windows.
> I think on Windows the equivalent to ~/.hgrc is Mercurial.ini.

Thanks, this was the essential hint.
... and I discovered, that forest is just included in TortoiseHg and 
could be enabled by removing a single ';' in Mercurial.ini. So I could 
throw away all additional stuff from forest-crew. :-(
It remains, understanding, hoe forest works.

> You need to do some reading on Mercurial, TortoiseHg, etc., try:

I've now read a lot of this, so now I begin to understand.


> -kto
> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've problems to find location of/for ~/.hgrc file. I don't find it 
>> anywhere.
>> What you mean by ${HOME} on (german) Windows?
>> - installdir: C:\Programme\TortoiseHg\
>> - user settings: C:\Dokumente und 
>> Einstellungen\user\Anwendungsdaten\TortoiseHg\
>> hg showconfig results:
>> C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\user\Anwendungsdaten\TortoiseHg>hg 
>> showconfig
>> extdiff.cmd.vdiff=C:\\Programme\\TortoiseHg\\kdiff3
>> extensions.extdiff=
>> merge-tools.beyondcompare3.args=$local $other $base $output /ro 
>> /lefttitle=local
>> /centerfile=base /righttitle=other /automerge /reviewconflicts /solo
>> merge-tools.beyondcompare3.gui=True
>> merge-tools.beyondcompare3.priority=-2
>> merge-tools.beyondcompare3.regkey=Software\\Scooter Software\\Beyond 
>> Compare 3
>> merge-tools.beyondcompare3.regname=ExePath
>> merge-tools.diffmerge.args=--nosplash --merge --title1=base 
>> --title2=local --tit
>> le3=other $base $local $other
>> merge-tools.diffmerge.checkchanged=True
>> merge-tools.diffmerge.gui=True
>> merge-tools.diffmerge.priority=-7
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.args=-L1 base --L2 local --L3 other $base $local 
>> $other -o $o
>> utput
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.fixeol=True
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.gui=True
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.priority=-1
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.regappend=\\kdiff3.exe
>> merge-tools.kdiff3.regkey=Software\\KDiff3
>> merge-tools.p4merge.args=$base $local $other $output
>> merge-tools.p4merge.gui=True
>> merge-tools.p4merge.priority=-8
>> merge-tools.p4merge.regappend=\\p4merge.exe
>> merge-tools.p4merge.regkey=Software\\Perforce\\Environment
>> merge-tools.p4merge.regname=P4INSTROOT
>> merge-tools.tortoisemerge.args=/base:$output /mine:$local 
>> /theirs:$other /merged
>> :$output
>> merge-tools.tortoisemerge.gui=True
>> merge-tools.tortoisemerge.priority=-9
>> merge-tools.tortoisemerge.regkey=Software\\TortoiseSVN
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.args=/e /ub /dl other /dr local $other $local 
>> $output
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.fixeol=True
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.gui=True
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.priority=-10
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.regkey=Software\\Thingamahoochie\\WinMerge\\
>> merge-tools.winmergeu.regname=Executable
>> ui.editor=notepad
>> ui.ssh="C:\\Programme\\TortoiseHg\\TortoisePlink.exe" -ssh -2
>> ui.username=UlfZibis
>> Please give me some more hints.
>> -Ulf
>> Am 26.03.2009 23:34, Kelly O'Hair schrieb:
>>> I have no idea about TortoiseHg. I get the extension
>>> directly from so I know I have the latest one.
>>> What gets shipped in TortoiseHg should work but I have no idea
>>> what version it is.
>>> The is just a text file, you can diff the one you have
>>> with the one to see if it differs at all.
>>> Watch out for TortoiseHg, it seems to enable many more hg extensions
>>> than most people need by default. It should work fine, but I don't
>>> like having lots of hg extensions I don't need enabled.
>>> Run 'hg showconfig' to see what extensions you have enabled.
>>> -kto
>>> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>>> Hi Kelly,
>>>> thanks for the link.
>>>> I guess, you mean C:\Programme\TortoiseHg\hgforest\ in my 
>>>> Windows case. Am I right ?
>>>> Or do you mean C:\Programme\TortoiseHg\hgws\hgforest\ in 
>>>> my case ?
>>>> Maybe C:\Programme\TortoiseHg\extentions\ would be also 
>>>> good idea, to be open for other extensions, and to avoid 
>>>> overwhelming the hg installdir. What do you think?
>>>> -Ulf
>>>> Am 26.03.2009 22:16, Kelly O'Hair schrieb:
>>>>> I use the newer (bitbucket) with Mercurial 1.2 on my Mac 
>>>>> and it
>>>>> seems to work fine.
>>>>> I do this:
>>>>>    mkdir ${HOME}/hgws
>>>>>    cd ${HOME}/hgws
>>>>>    hg clone hgforest
>>>>> Then add these lines to your ~/.hgrc file:
>>>>>    [extensions]
>>>>>    forest = ${HOME}/hgws/hgforest/
>>>>> You may need to expand the ${HOME} to the real location in the 
>>>>> ~/.hgrc file.
>>>>> -kto

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