[69cat] Re: Re: [www] where is http://netbeans.org/projects/nb-openjdk/index.html

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Thu May 27 16:49:15 PDT 2010

Am 28.05.2010 00:34, schrieb Jonathan Gibbons:
> Ulf,
> There are NetBeans projects for parts of jdk in the openjdk jdk/ 
> repository, under jdk/make/netbeans.  However, these are probably 
> quite crufty by now; I do not think anyone is maintaining them.  Some 
> JDK developers just roll their projects for the purpose of editing 
> code, and they use the standard JDK build system to build and run 
> their code.

Thanks Jon.
Yes, this is a very sad situation.
I don't understand, why there is so few cross-support between JDK and 
NetBeans at Sun/Oracle. It would be a good demonstration having NetBeans 
capable to develop their own products.

Additionally on Windows it's very sad, that even very simple make 
targets always refer to C-compiler (MS VS) which I don't have, even if 
no C-compile is needed.


> One big exception is langtools, which contains javac, javadoc etc.   
> There is a NetBeans project for langtools in langtools/make/netbeans, 
> and we routinely use this project for working on the langtools 
> source.  That being said, although I edit in NetBeans, I still prefer 
> to build and run the regression tests from outside NetBeans.
> -- Jon
> On 05/27/2010 02:52 PM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> are there any news ?
>> IIRC there have been valuable additional informations on 
>> http://netbeans.org/projects/nb-openjdk/index.html.
>> Thanks,
>> Ulf
>> Am 14.05.2010 21:43, schrieb Ulf Zibis:
>>> Am 14.05.2010 21:27, schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
>>>> Irina Filippova wrote:
>>>>> Honza Pirek answered Ulf's question on another alias.
>>>>> Just forwarding his response to the NetCat team.
>>>> Maybe this: http://openjdk.java.net/groups/nb-projects/
>>> Thanks Geertjan.
>>> I know this link, but on 
>>> http://netbeans.org/projects/nb-openjdk/index.html was additional 
>>> information some months ago.
>>> -Ulf
>>>> Gj
>>>>> - Irina
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>>> Subject:
>>>>> Re: Broken link to http://netbeans.org/community/projects/ at 
>>>>> http://netbeans.org/projects/nb-openjdk/index.html
>>>>> From:
>>>>> jan pirek <Jan.Pirek at Sun.COM>
>>>>> Date:
>>>>> Tue, 11 May 2010 15:41:29 +0200
>>>>> To:
>>>>> ulfzibis at netbeans.org
>>>>> To:
>>>>> ulfzibis at netbeans.org
>>>>> CC:
>>>>> NetBeans Webmaster <webmaster at netbeans.org>
>>>>> Hello Ulf,
>>>>> I have bad news for you - project nb-openjdk does not exist at 
>>>>> current website. I am also not sure it was migrated when we 
>>>>> switched to current netbeans.org infrastructure, and I am afraid 
>>>>> it's www content was dumped.
>>>>> jan
>>>>> On May 7, 2010, at 8:36 PM, ulfzibis at netbeans.org wrote:
>>>>>> Where are the tutorials etc. to build OpenJDK with netbeans?
>>>>>> Was:  http://netbeans.org/projects/nb-openjdk/index.html
>>>>>> -Ulf
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> Submitted via the contact form at: 
>>>>>> http://www.netbeans.info/appl2/index.php
>>>>>> Referer page: http://netbeans.org/community/projects/

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