Patch for Enhancement Bug # 6313849 and 417591

Christopher Hegarty - Sun Microsystems Ireland Christopher.Hegarty at Sun.COM
Fri May 18 02:00:52 PDT 2007

Andreas Schaefer wrote:

> I also have a problem to come up with an use case of an asynchronous
> disconnect. How would another thread knows when to disconnect. The only
> use case I can come up with is than two threads could collide during
> connect / disconnect and we might want to prevent the URLConnection from
> doing so. This way we make sure that either a URLConnection is fully
> connected or disconnected.

I have seen a few cases where HttpURLConnection.disconnect has been 
called asynchronously as a way of implemeting a connect/read timeout in 
user code.

One such bug that comes to mind is CR 6358532. This bug was seen to be 
important enough that it was escalated by an external customer.


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