Code Review Request: 7035556 warning: unreachable catch clause

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jul 21 19:45:35 PDT 2011

Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
> Due to a recent update in javac to issue a warning on detecting 
> unreachable code, the following warning started showing up in the jdk 
> networking code:
> ../../../src/share/classes/java/net/ warning: 
> unreachable catch clause.
> This fix aims at removing this warning by removing the IOException. On 
> inspection, it was found that currently, the native code does not 
> throw any IOException.
> The fix involves updates in:
> jdk/src/share/classes/java/net/
> Webrev:
> Thanks,
> -Kurchi
Kurchi - one suggestion is to close the UDP socket in the event that the 
bind fails. That would be nicer than leaving it to the impl's finalizer.


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