Code Review Request: 7035556 warning: unreachable catch clause
Michael McMahon
michael.x.mcmahon at
Fri Jul 22 03:02:30 PDT 2011
There seems to be only a couple of places where IOException
(specifically) is thrown
in the networking code and it can't occur in this code path as far as I
can see.
Perhaps that wasn't always the case, which could explain why the unusual
construction exists.
So, the simplification suggested below seems reasonable.
- Michael.
On 21/07/11 23:54, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> Kurchi,
> Please have an additional reviewer for the networking portion of this,
> but in doing a quick look, I believe the point of the two catches is
> to make sure that any IOException that isn't already a SocketException
> (SocketException is a subclass of IOException) is rebranded to
> SocketException.
> If these internal methods are guaranteed to only throw SocketExeptions
> (and it looks like it), then you can simplify this code to:
> public DatagramSocket() throws SocketException {
> createImpl();
> bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));
> }
> bind throws SocketException, InetSocketAddress(int) only throws a IAE
> (a RuntimeException).
> Brad
> On 7/21/2011 3:05 PM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Due to a recent update in javac to issue a warning on detecting
>> unreachable code, the following warning started showing up in the jdk
>> networking code:
>> ../../../src/share/classes/java/net/ warning:
>> unreachable catch clause.
>> This fix aims at removing this warning by removing the IOException. On
>> inspection, it was found that currently, the native code does not throw
>> any IOException.
>> The fix involves updates in:
>> jdk/src/share/classes/java/net/
>> Webrev:
>> Thanks,
>> -Kurchi
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