cross protocol redirects ( was:Re: Http client API )

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed Aug 8 13:35:12 PDT 2012

Great suggestion Anthony,

This is something that comes up from time to time. With the clear 
distinction between and API's then it was a little difficult to 
do in the existing API, but there is a clear opportunity with the new 
API to avoid this issue in the future.

Kurchi just informed me (off-list) that the current prototype 
implementation in the project [1], supports cross protocol 
redirects. Though, this may be by accident! We need to do some further 
investigating to determine if the security concerns related to 4620571 
are still valid. If so, and we cannot continue with automatic cross 
protocol redirects, then an explicit API ( like you suggested ) should 
be added.



On 08/08/12 19:23, Anthony Vanelverdinghe wrote:
> Hi
> With the current API ( it 's not possible to
> follow redirects from one protocol to another (http to https & vice versa).
> This is a known problem (
> ), but out of
> security concerns this feature was not added.
> Will you please reconsider this feature for the new API and possibly:
> add extra methods:
> HttpRequest#setFollowRedirectsAccrossProtocols(boolean follows) &
> HttpRequest#followRedirectsAcrossProtocols() which would be false by
> default
> or add a system property (like the ones at
> )
> ?
> I am not a security expert, but for example Firefox happily follows such
> redirects, even in a single request like: http (request) -> https ->
> http (response)
> The current behavior is also what caused a recent issue with the JavaFX
> installer ( ). The solution
> to this JavaFX issue says the fix "enhanced code to follow https
> redirects." So JavaFX seems to already implement this feature.
> Thanks for your feedback
>    Anthony Vanelverdinghe
> Op 8/08/2012 1:09, Michael McMahon schreef:
>> Hi,
>> A new revision of the Http client API planned for jdk 8 can be viewed
>> at the following link
>> We would like to review the api on this mailing list.
>> So, all comments are welcome.
>> Thanks
>> Michael McMahon.

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