cross protocol redirects ( was:Re: Http client API )

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Tue Aug 14 07:54:25 PDT 2012

On 08/08/12 21:35, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Great suggestion Anthony,
> This is something that comes up from time to time. With the clear 
> distinction between and 
> API's then it was a little difficult 
> to do in the existing API, but there is a clear opportunity with the 
> new API to avoid this issue in the future.
> Kurchi just informed me (off-list) that the current prototype 
> implementation in the project [1], supports cross protocol 
> redirects. Though, this may be by accident! We need to do some further 
> investigating to determine if the security concerns related to 4620571 
> are still valid. If so, and we cannot continue with automatic cross 
> protocol redirects, then an explicit API ( like you suggested ) should 
> be added.

That behavior isn't accidental. It's one reason why SSL configuration is 
a "property" of HttpClient rather than
defined in a sub-class like HttpsClient.

I agree the security concern needs to be understood (though I'm not sure 
I see a problem right now).
The exact behavior of these classes isn't fully defined yet, in the 
context of a security manager.

- Michael.

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