Problem with getFlags() method in NetworkInterface.c

Shirish Kuncolienkar shirishk at
Thu Aug 9 06:16:18 PDT 2012

On 8/9/2012 4:55 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Shirish,
> I am not familiar with VIPA interfaces, but I don't see any 
> documentation that describes allowable values for flags that could 
> cause the integer representing it to contain a negative value.
> I'm not opposed to the source changes, I just don't see that they are 
> required. Can you please help explain?
> Thanks,
> -Chris.
> On 09/08/12 11:16, Shirish Kuncolienkar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The return value from the getFlags() method in NetworkInterface.c is
>> interpreted in 2 ways.
>> - If the value is negative an Exception is thrown
>> - Else the return value is considered as the flag mask obtained via the
>> ioctl call.
>> In rare cases is it possible the value in the ifr_flags could be
>> negative.  One such case is VIPA interfaces.  any calls like isUp() on
>> such network interfaces would end up in a Socket Exception.
>> I have patch for this.  Anyone would like to take a look ?
>> -Shirish

I agree there is no general documentation available, AIX defines vipa 
interface flag as "0x80000000"
Here is a similar bug report related to FreeBSD
A different fix was proposed here.

Hope this helps.


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