Problem with getFlags() method in NetworkInterface.c

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Thu Aug 9 07:22:45 PDT 2012

On 09/08/12 14:16, Shirish Kuncolienkar wrote:
> ....
> I agree there is no general documentation available, AIX defines vipa
> interface flag as "0x80000000"

In which case I don't see any problems with your proposed source 
changes. One could argue that maybe they should go through the specific 
porting project ( since it's not directly relevant to existing supported 
platforms ), but I see this more of a clean up exercise.  No need to 
carry such a trivial change in a project sub repo.

Usually a new testcase is recommended, but in this case the 
functionality ( isUp, isXXX() ) is already exercised by many many tests 
so I think we can leave it to the other tests.

I filed a new bug to track this issue,
    CR 7190254: "NetworkInterface getFlags implementation should support
                 full integer bit range for flags value."

If you don't mind, I would like to take your patch to NetworkInterface.c 
and run some sanity builds and tests on it. I'd hope to get this done 
later today or early tomorrow.


> Here is a similar bug report related to FreeBSD
> A different fix was proposed here.
> Hope this helps.
> Thanks
> -Shirish

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