Code review: 8010464: Evolve java networking same origin policy

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Mon May 13 03:08:26 PDT 2013

On 12/05/2013 08:13, Alan Bateman wrote:
> ....
> At a high-level it would be nice if the fields were final but I guess
> the parsing of actions and being serialized complicates this.

This would be my preference too. You could use the serialization proxy 
pattern, and with some restructuring I think the fields could be made 
final. But, I ok with what you have. We can re-visit later to see if 
this makes sense.

I don't see where the socketPermission field is used in 
HttpURLConnection, I suspect it should be set in URLtoSocketPermission?

I think it should be possible to add the GPL header to the new test 
policy files.

Otherwise, nice to see this moving forward.


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