RFR: 8158651: ConcurrentModification exceptions in httpclient

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Fri Jun 3 15:06:55 UTC 2016

Hi Michael,

Looks ok as long as the response_cfs list can't be shrunk by a different 
thread.  (cfs_len can be stale).

And 577: probably a printf to system.err isn't the ultimate in 
robustness or debugging.


On 6/3/2016 10:40 AM, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Could I get the following small change reviewed please?
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/8158651/webrev.1/
> The exception has been seen in some tests failing intermittently.
> So, I have not added a new test
> The failure occurs in Http2Connection but a similar case
> was found in Stream.java
> Thanks
> Michael
> PS I will get back to API review comments next week.

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