
James Roper james at lightbend.com
Fri Mar 2 06:23:51 UTC 2018

Hi Simone,

Sorry, I think there's been some missed information here. I am in no way
suggesting that the API as provided currently should be changed or
replaced. What I'm suggesting is that a high level adapter be provided out
of the box that provides Reactive Streams support on top of this API. Yes,
there's no formal definition of high/low level, but in the case of
WebSockets, we can draw some lines based roughly on what web browsers
(which is the target application developer experience that WebSockets were
designed for) support as being high level, and what the WebSocket protocol
allows beyond this as low level. I think a Reactive Streams adapter on top
of the existing low level API that has feature parity with the JavaScript
API for WebSockets offered by browsers is a worthwhile thing to aim for.
Would you agree with that?

So, for example, the browser APIs offer one error callback for handling
errors from both directions. All WebSocket messages handled by the browser
APIs are discrete, fixed length in memory, any chunking is handled
transparently underneath. Developers in the browser don't have to
explicitly send or implement any sending or receiving of the close
messages, they just handle the high level concept of the socket being
closed, and the browser implements the handshake underneath transparently.

I'd say WebSocket proxies would be completely out of scope for a high level
API, they definitely would want to deal with splitting messages, custom
close handling, very precise error semantics etc, and such a use case would
be well served by the current low level API.



On 26 February 2018 at 22:15, Simone Bordet <simone.bordet at gmail.com> wrote:

> James,
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 4:37 AM, James Roper <james at lightbend.com> wrote:
> > On the topic of error handling. A high level API doesn't need to report
> each
> > individual error with sending.
> Depends on what you mean by "high level APIs"... I guess there is no
> formal definition of that, as one can even think that the Java socket
> APIs are high level.
> > So firstly, it is impossible to report *all*
> > errors with sending, since it's impossible to know, once you send a
> message
> > across the network, whether it got there or not. So if an application
> > developer has a requirement to handle errors in sending (and
> realistically,
> > there is never a business require to handle just the errors that can be
> > detected in sending, it's always about handling all errors), do we expect
> > them to implement that logic in two places, both on the sending side to
> > handle errors that can be detected on the sending side, and then
> > additionally write logic to handle errors that can't be detected on the
> > sending side (such as, for example, having the remote side send ACKs, and
> > track the ACKs on the receiving end)? I doubt it, having to handle logic
> on
> > both sides is going to mean the application developer has to spend more
> time
> > implementing boiler plate that could otherwise be spent solving their
> actual
> > business problem.
> I think you are oversimplifying this.
> If my business is to write a WebSocket Proxy, I may totally want to
> care about writing code that handles errors differently whether they
> happened on the read side or on the write side, if just for logging
> reasons.

> If my business is to write a protocol on top of WebSocket, I may want
> to use custom WebSocket error codes (depending on errors) when I close
> the connection.
> I may want to send a WS message the moment I receive a WebSocket
> "close" event from a peer.
> Sure, maybe in 80% of the cases read and write errors are handled the
> same way, but as an application writer I would like to have the choice
> between using an API that is "lower" level and allows me full
> flexibility with respect to the WebSocket protocol, and an opinionated
> (correctly opinionated in the majority of the cases) framework that
> for some case reduces the API surface at the cost of something else
> like flexibility, increased allocation, ecc.
> Both have their use cases.
> I believe the JDK net group always stated they went for the first choice.
> The lack of the second choice is under discussion, and as I have
> already stated may be a matter of resources.
> > If an application developer needs to handle errors in
> > sending messages, it would be much simpler for them to treat both types
> of
> > errors in the same way. And hence, a high level API should expose
> detectable
> > errors in sending on the receiving end, by cancelling upstream,
> terminating
> > the WebSocket with an error, and then emitting the error in the
> downstream
> > onError.
> >
> > When it comes to protocol specific concerns - a high level API should not
> > expose that to developers.  A developer should not be allowed to send a
> text
> > message between two split binary frames. A developer should not be
> > responsible for implementing the closing handshake protocol. That is the
> > responsibility of a high level API. WebSocket close messages are designed
> > such that high level APIs don't need to expose them to end developers -
> you
> > have one status for success, and then many statuses for close. This
> means,
> > an application developer can signal a normal close by simply terminating
> the
> > stream, and can signal any of the other closes by terminating with an
> error
> > that gets mapped to an error status code - likewise, closes received can
> be
> > mapped in the same way.  And, most of the error codes are for protocol
> level
> > errors anyway that a user should never be generating and can't really
> > handle. So I don't think, if providing a high level API, it makes any
> sense
> > to expose close messages or the close handshake to application
> developers -
> > the WebSocket protocol by design is not meant to be used that way.
> I don't understand what you're saying here.
> You want to notify application code if the other peer closed the
> connection.
> If you do, then you're exposing the application code to the WebSocket
> close event, which is part of the WebSocket close handshake.
> An application can use custom WebSocket error codes, or may want to
> reply with a different error code, or may want to send a last message
> with information of what has been already processed so far (similar to
> HTTP/2 last stream id).
> All that can only be provided by application code so the API must
> allow for that.
> Again, if you want to write an opinionated framework that covers 80%
> of the cases in a simpler way, great, but I'd like to have other
> choices too.
> > For fragmented frames, once again, I don't think the designers of the
> > WebSocket protocol ever intended that this protocol level detail would
> ever
> > be exposed to application developers. My reading of the spec is that the
> > reason fragmentation is allowed is to allow endpoints to work with fixed
> > buffer sizes, allowing messages to be split if they choose. In fact,
> this is
> > exactly what the RFC says:
> >
> >> The primary purpose of fragmentation is to allow sending a message
> >> that is of unknown size when the message is started without having to
> >> buffer that message.  If messages couldn't be fragmented, then an
> >> endpoint would have to buffer the entire message so its length could
> >> be counted before the first byte is sent.  With fragmentation, a
> >> server or intermediary may choose a reasonable size buffer and, when
> >> the buffer is full, write a fragment to the network.
> >
> >
> > https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6455#section-5.4
> >
> > This is a protocol level detail, not something that is supposed to be
> > exposed to application developers.
> It again depends on what you mean by "application developers".
> If I'm writing a WebSocket Proxy, receiving WebSocket frames rather
> than whole messages is exactly what I want.
> > It is reasonable to expect that an
> > implementation will buffer and put the fragments back together, up to a
> > configured buffer size, for application consumption. If a message does
> > exceed that buffer size, then the implementation can close the socket
> with
> > the close code designed exactly for that purpose - 1009.
> Our experience with Jetty and its JSR 356 implementation is the opposite.
> People are not aware of the fact that WebSocket frames can be
> exbibytes large, and are not aware that there even is a limit.
> They come from HTTP and they can send/receive any arbitrary large content.
> When they see error 1009 they are extremely surprised.
> So "reasonable" here may not be something we all agree on.
> Rather than having the implementation take a decision for me (to
> buffer frames and possibly discard them because of some implementation
> little known limit), "reasonable" may mean "pass me all the WebSocket
> frames, I know what to do", sticking to least surprise.
> One last orthogonal comment about usage of the Flow APIs in the new HTTP
> client.
> As far as I know the Flow APIs are only used for request and response
> content, not the for HTTP protocol lifecycle.
> HTTP requests/responses are not modeled as Publishers, only their content
> is.
> In that light, perhaps we should reflect whether WebSocket should be
> modeled in the same way; that is, the Flow API be used only to model
> message content, and not the WebSocket protocol lifecycle.
> Thanks !
> --
> Simone Bordet
> ---
> Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
> to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
> the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

*James Roper*
*Senior Octonaut*

Lightbend <https://www.lightbend.com/> – Build reactive apps!
Twitter: @jroper <https://twitter.com/jroper>
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