RFR(XS): 8229912: [TESTBUG] java/net/Socks/SocksIPv6Test fails without IPv6
Daniel Fuchs
daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed Aug 21 12:56:12 UTC 2019
On 21/08/2019 11:51, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> We could make those two methods return void and throw the
>> SkipException themselves? I don't mind doing that change in this patch.
> I don't want to expand the scope of your changes, it was just a passing
> comment. I think returning boolean is fine, I just think the method
> names are misleading and they should not be printing anything. It's up
> to the caller of these methods to decide whether to skip.
Agreed. If we encounter other tests built on the same
pattern that need to be skipped on IPv4 only environment
then we will consider moving/adding these to the test library
in IPSupport or NetworkConfiguration.
best regards,
-- daniel
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