RFR: 8252767: URLConnection.setRequestProperty throws IllegalAccessError [v4]

Chris Hegarty chegar at openjdk.java.net
Mon Sep 7 09:40:21 UTC 2020

On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 09:35:16 GMT, Jaikiran Pai <jpai at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> I see Jaikiran has used "/integrate" but I don't think the review is complete yet. The change may be trivial but it's
>>> really important to give others a chance to comment if they wish.
>> Sorry, I'm new this whole flow. I saw the message from that bot asking me to issue that command. I then went into the
>> "contributing" guidelines to see if there was anything else needed to be done but I didn't see anything specific, so
>> went ahead and issued the `/integrate`.   I guess if I force push on to this PR, with that TestNG change that you
>> recommended, perhaps the review process will put this PR into the original state which it was before the `/integrate`
>> command?
> Slightly OT - but I think this `/integrate` command shouldn't actually be in the hands of the contributor and instead
> should be decided and issued by "committers" or "sponsors". I don't really see how the contributor/author can
> realistically decide when it's the right time to intiate a `/integrate`

@jaikiran No need to be sorry, you are following the process as it is outlined. Please go ahead with the suggestion to
update the test to use TestNG. The current state of the PR should not affect updates. BTW AFAIK, you should not need to
"force push" - just push to the branch.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/26

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