Review Request: JDK-7142921,(fs) Files.probeContentType reports a MIME type of "text/plain" on Ubuntu 11.04
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at
Tue Nov 27 06:35:08 PST 2012
On 27/11/2012 00:53, Dan Xu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have added a comment to UnixFileSystemProvider.chain and remove its
> "protected" keyword. The new webrev is at,
> Thanks!
> -Dan
I found time to do a very quick pass over
In terms of diagnosability then I think it would be hard for developers
to understand how the file type is obtained when there are so many ways
to do. To that end it's probably best if MimeTypesFileTypeDetector
didn't uses META-INF/mimetypes.default, that resource file is included
in rt.jar because it is used by the Java Activation Framework, itself
used by JAX-WS and is essentially invisible to users.
On ~/.mime.types then we have choice, use it as a fallback in
MimeTypesFileTypeDetector so let the provider create two
MimeTypesFileTypeDetector instances, one for the system mime.types
files, one for the user file. I don't have a preference but the latter
would make the FileTypeDetector a bit simpler.
In the implProbeContentType method it only support UnixPath but this
FileTypeDetector should be independent of the Path type.
It looks like it tries a case-insensitive search after a case-sensitive
search but file extensions are case sensitive on Solaris and Linux, I
realize this will need special handing on Mac.
loadFile/parse are a bit messy in that try-with-resources is being
combined with an explicit call to close. Given that the mime.types file
is likely to be quite small then a possible choice is Files.readAllLines
and that would save you some of this.
That's all I have for now.
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